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Transcript for 7/22/24: PUPPET PUTSCH

We as Americans should already conclude who are the threats to democracy. This past week I would say that what we have seen is a velvet-gloved coup -- that has been carried out by Neocons and their Deep State Acolytes.

It would have been an election decapitation --as the moves we are seeing can be compared to the Putsch before World War II.

The Wall Street Putsch was an attempt to overthrow FDR in 1933 where industrialists wanted to replace Roosevelt with General Smedley Butler as dictator.

Butler, a retired Marine Corps major general, testified under oath that wealthy businessmen were plotting to create a fascist organization with him as its leader and use it in a coup d'état to overthrow Roosevelt. 

In 1934, Butler testified under oath before the United States House of Representatives Special Committee on Un-American Activities on these revelations. Although no one was prosecuted, the congressional committee's final report said, "There is no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned, and might have been placed in execution when and if the financial backers deemed it expedient."

We can say that Joe Biden the perfect puppet for the deep state is no longer of use -- and so with their Puppet Putsch, they can provide a more malleable replacement. 

At the moment Biden has endorsed Kamla Harris as the democratic ticket -- an interesting way that the democratic party has again meddled in an election.

Now the question is that if he is unfit to run for president, is he unfit to be the President-- I am sure that there will be considerations to enact the 25th Amendment against the President.

This is a political party coup -- never before have we seen this silent insurrection being carried out against a leader in power.

Stranger still, the very elites and grandees, who now are using every imaginable means of deposing Biden as their nominee, are the very public voices that just weeks ago insisted that candidate Biden was “sharp as a tack” and “fit as a fiddle.” And they damned any who thought otherwise!

They are also the identical operators whose machinations ensured that there would not be an open Democratic primary. They demonized the few on the Left who weakly challenged Biden in the primaries. Yet now they will select a replacement candidate who likely never received a single primary vote.

It can also be theorized that Biden’s impending forced abdication is not because he is non-compos mentis or not of the right mind.

That is only part of it I am sure-- Former President Trump's assassination attempt was on Biden’s watch and with the complete and utter negligence of the Secret Service. Biden did not demand the resignation, nor did he fire the head of the Secret Service Kim Cheatle.

His weaponing of security agencies during his tenure should always be under suspicion. he is not above suspicion for criminal activity -- again with what can be called a velvet-gloved coup or the Puppet Putsch.

It was brought to my attention that Victoria Nuland the architect of the Ukrainian coup in 2014 --had some damning words she said about the Donald Trump Presidency just hours before he was shot.

She appeared in an Interview featured on the TV RAIN Newsroom out of Russia and stated: I don't think that Donald Trump is going to be president. So if that's what Putin's betting on, he's going to get an unhappy surprise, I think. That is — that is number one."

She spoke confidently that Trump would definitely not be President -- how does she know? Is she one of the organizers of this Putsch to interfere with our elections triggering a civil war?

How could she have said this when it was reported that Trump was ahead in the polls and Biden was not considered electable by his own party... Now Biden steps away because he is too old to make competent judgments -- but he has enough competence to select Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him on the ticket?

For the moment the sycophants are coming forward swearing their support -- but it is not going to last, this is a slow-moving coup-- a strange third-world anomaly in Washington D.C.

Remember when we talked about the show trials and people being un-personed? This is Joe Biden -- he is now being Biden is being un-personed and Trotskyized, as we prepare the new groupthink narrative of his likely surrogate—the brain trust known as Kamala Harris.

The fact that Biden will likely remain as president until January 20, 2025, should remind the country the Left is more worried about its next four-year continuance in power than the fate of the country that now admittedly will be guided in the next six months by a president judged unfit by his own supporters to run for the very office that he will still keep holding.

The further irony arises when those who, as supposed guardians of democratic norms, pontificated to the country the last nine years about the Trump-Hitlerian threat to democracy-- but these same guardians of democracy -- have single-handedly thrown democracy out of the equation by their candidate from the November ballot on grounds of senility.

Even though he has shown these signs of senility he has also shown that he is a criminal and uses the system to cover up the crimes of his family --and the use of security agencies to destroy his political adversaries.

Those involved with this move are far more concerned about the electability of their candidate more so than the collective fate of our country --with a leader that is unfit to govern. This leaves us wondering just who is in charge-- whether a shadow government is making decisions on our behalf or more than likely not on our behalf.

This will be more of a selection and less of an election --again disrupting the democratic process.

Another demonstrative piece of evidence that indicates a coup within the party is Democrat president from January 20, 2021, was daily declared vibrant, dynamic, and engaged but suddenly one day after June 27, 2024, was remanufactured as incompetent.

When they scheduled a debate 3 months early, BEFORE the nomination, they gave away their intent to remove Joe Biden. 

In an Orwellian movie you will bear witness to all things about the attempt on Trump's life going into the memory hole, all flaws in the script will be corrected by organized propaganda and newspeak, you will see Biden become an unperson, and the groupthink will be pivoted from a Kamala Harriss ticket -- to another viable option who is an asset to the deep state.

There is no America there is no democracy.

At one point we had a republic with bright-line rules that protected the minority from the dictatorship of the majority. What we have now is a kakistocracy run by globalists who tend to be dual citizens Marxists and young disciples of the World Economic Forum.

They have shown us how you can remove a President or even a candidate. 

You begin with impeachment and conviction, you talk about using the 25th Amendment to remove them , and, barring all that, a military coup.

In Trump's case -- it was a couple of those and even an attempt on his life.

This puppet Putsch has its talons in both parties to disrupt this so-called democracy that they keep pushing -- there is your big lie -- yes you are continually being lied to.

Kamala’s negatives are even worse than Biden’s. He is incompetent and yet we are to trust his choice? This is insanity -- it is a clown car where an infinite number of clowns are parading around their painted-on smiles to help run the circus.

At this point, Trump wins in a landslide.

He will easily hit and surpass the 270 electoral votes needed to become the next President of the United States of America.

Only 30% of the general public think she would make a good president

12% of Republicans think she would make a good president.

Polling, which was conducted by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, determined that a majority of Democrats believe the country would be in good hands if Harris took over.

Approximately 58 percent of Democrats think Harris would make a good president – while 22 percent think she would not and 20 percent ‘do not know enough to say’.

This is compared to the 30 percent of the general public who think Harris would make a good President and a staggering 87 percent of Republicans who said she would NOT make a good president.

The Math does not add up -- and yet people are throwing caution to the wind and praising the decision? This is a case of Jim Jones Kool-aid group think.

Kamala cannot lift those numbers this late in the election process.

They are trolling us.

They are being contradictive -- it confuses Americans and when Americans are confused they do nothing.

The American oligarchic political system that is endlessly debated and fixates people’s attention is a contradictory system that contains positive and negative poles that cancel each other out while keeping the believer frozen and frustrated. 

Once you are in it, you are trapped because there are no outside references, the simulated system of thought is your cage. 

Like a narrative structure that is a self-contradicting – there is no dialectical tension because the system has swallowed it.

I would be offended if I was offered Kamala Harris as the only solution to a problem of a fossilized presidential nominee.

This is so contradictory -- you remove Biden because he can't beat Trump and replace him with someone who cannot beat Trump.

This makes absolutely no sense. But contradictory or not -- the sycophants are now rallying around Kamala-- another candidate who in the Presidential Primary against Biden wasn't even a speck on the radar of the American people.

Do the American people realize that this coup is now offering us the false choice of the evil of two lesser in a corrupt system?

To go from a senile old man to an obnoxious amateur is highly suspicious... this leaves us wide open for an attack from beyond.