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Transcript for 7/25/24: KINGS OF THE NORTH

There is this well-known poem written by Robert Frost that predicts or at least approximates how the world might end -- either in fire or ice-- The poem reads:

"Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I’ve tasted of desire

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice."

His words are simply a metaphor for Desire and hatred and its cold covetous grip on the world -- that seems to be a cold reminder of how dark it can get when the sun suspends it brightness for the bitter cold of winter --and the old idea that the world will end in Fire -- and then bitter cold.

Perhaps a Nuclear explosion followed by a Nuclear winter.

Perhaps the world ends in a different manner as the armies and their war machines gather in what can be called the abomination or desolation – which may or not be fought in the lands of Megiddo.

Armageddon is just a matter of time. 

I have been reading a lot in the margins, hanging out in the fringes and I am seeing some interesting things happen that have fortified my predictions of an armed conflict in the Arctic. Many Ground Zero listeners are aware that I have been speculating about this for a long time. 

Now I am certainly paying attention to the north, but what I have been reading about includes an eerie but very real exploration into the idea that the thawing process that has been happening is revealing what can only be described as alien life forms.

Believe me, this has added a bit more intrigue to my theories and certainly brings to mind old Viking apocalypse stories of monsters opening the Icy gates of the north ready to pounce in an unforgivable dark winter.

It begins with the recent story about the North American Aerospace Defense Command intercepting two Russian and two Chinese bombers flying near Alaska Wednesday in what a US defense official said was the first time the two countries have been intercepted while operating together.

The US and Canada, which together comprise NORAD, intercepted the Russian TU-95 Bear and Chinese H-6 bombers. The aircraft did not enter US or Canadian sovereign airspace, NORAD said.

It also marks the first time H-6 bombers, which are a derivative of older Soviet bombers, have entered the Alaska ADIZ, the defense official said.

The intercept was carried out by US F-16 and F-35 fighter jets, as well as Canadian CF-18 fighter jets, according to the defense official. Support aircraft were also part of the intercept, the official said.

But these aircraft are not the only things that the military have to look out for -- and a year ago we were reading and hearing about the strange metal objects about the size of a car that were shot down over Canadian airspace. It happened during the time of the Chinese balloon hysteria. 

The Canadian government claimed to be monitoring the activities of alleged UFOs in its territory. According to American and Canadian authorities, some of these UFOs would have been shot down in the border region between both countries – however, very suspiciously, the debris of the unknown objects has not been found yet.

The American government has refrained from accusing any country of launching the alleged UFOs, although some propagandists have suggested Chinese involvement. Others are claiming that it is a secret project that has been underway with Russia and China.

But nonetheless-- the mystery of this exotic craft is also of note-- and UAP investigations have been ongoing over the Arctic to monitor strange activities that have not been reported in the mainstream.

General Glen Van Herck, commander of U.S. Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), stated that he does “not rule out anything” implying that perhaps the encounters with the other strange craft -were quite possibly extraterrestrial.

But we are finding that this quote has more truth in it than we realize.

The matter took the attention of the media and public opinion. On social networks, words like “UFO” and “alien invasion” reached the trending topics, with both humorous comments making fun of the situation and texts expressing concern, fear, and terror.

While the details of the different claims vary, they have two things in common: a lack of evidence and a strong distrust of America’s elected leaders.

The U.S. military and U.S. Intelligence Community are still trying to sort out the details about the three objects that were shot down in different areas within American and Canadian airspace. The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, or AARO. has remained silent on the matter and has distanced itself from the ongoing investigation This is both conspicuous and curious since this office was created specifically to focus on issues relating to UAPs or UFOS.

The three objects were shot down between February 10 and February 12 last year.

In addition, it stated the full exploitation of whatever the U.S. Air Force shot down over the waters of Alaska on Feb. 10 had not yet been completed. Reports a few days later stated that the U.S. had called off the search for the wreckage of the downed objects. Exactly what kind of intelligence exploitation this is referring to is unclear.

Since then there have been speculative theories on what is happening in the Arctic --and what has been uncovered in the region.

Pentagon leadership is unveiling its latest strategy for the Arctic region as competition for geopolitical advantage heats up with China and Russia.

The strategy aims to increase the increasing militarization of the region by Beijing and Moscow amid an expanding race for natural resources.

Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks told reporters during a July 22 briefing that The Arctic is strategically vital to U.S. security.

Ms. Hicks added that it’s imperative to national security that the United States ensure the Arctic “remains a secure and stable region” in the face of increasing aggression by the Chinese regime and Russia throughout the world.

The strategy directs the U.S. military to adopt a “monitor and respond approach” while “exercising a calibrated presence” in the region by coordinating with Arctic allies on issues pertaining to strategy, training, and equipment.

Among the efforts outlined is a directive to modernize the North American Aerospace Defense Command, through which the United States and Canada respond to emergent threats in North American airspace.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has in the past numbered unknown objects sequentially to track every detected object that is not immediately identified-- there have been many unknowns seen in the Arctic -- and their origins are also unknown.

It can be said that the alien world and the acceptance and our projections upon the phenomenon are what is very telling about us at this time. It is not their actual, unknown nature, it is the fact that the sightings and reverence involved mirror a collective yearning for a transformation of the stultifying and destructive nature of political and cultural realities.

Contemplate how hard evidence of intelligent life outside of our tiny sphere of existence would shatter dogmatic thought and petrified perceptions.

We must also understand that the thawing of land there is revealing many things. The Arctic houses vast reserves of natural resources, including oil, natural gas, rare earth metals, diamonds, and pristine fishing grounds. 

As the frozen environment awakens in the spring after the months it spends blanketed in darkness each year, signs of life begin to return to Greenland’s icy landscape. Several large animals, including the region’s polar bears, arctic terns, and musk oxen, begin to stir as sunlight warms the frozen Earth.

Now, scientists have learned that those aren’t the only lifeforms that dwell on Greenland’s ice, although new research is revealing how others have remained undiscovered for so long.

There are thriving viruses that have been activated and alien life forms that have been discovered in an area known as the Kola Peninsula. 

The Kola Peninsula in the Arctic provides a gateway for Russia’s Northern Fleet’s attack and ballistic missile submarines to move through the Greenland, Iceland, United Kingdom gap to reach the Atlantic

The Arctic Alien project has set up its coding enterprise in the region, discovering and bar coding what will eventually analyzed. The purpose is to discover that there is alien life that exists in the cold reaches of the Arctic.

In the project Arctic Aliens scientists are developing efficient methods to identify the presence of alien species using DNA barcoding.

The first step is to select species with no existing sufficient DNA barcode that were listed as potential Arctic alien species --comparable of course to viruses, fungus and other peculiar anomalies that have been discovered there.

Already specimens have been collected of organisms both from the Arctic and from the origin locations of potential alien species, and have been sent to the laboratory to be barcoded. Arctic specimens were collected off the coast of Svalbard during a research expedition in July 2017, European specimens were collected in various locations in the Eastern Scheldt in the Netherlands in August 2017. 

Atlantic specimens were also requested from scientists in the US. These were all sent to the genetics laboratory of Wageningen Environmental Research in the Netherlands for DNA analysis.

So far all results have been classified.

Now we are seeing that the Russian Arctic Threat Growing More Potent. They are pairing up with China to not only absorb the resources in the region -- but the interest in possible alien life in the area -- has raised suspicions of a possible outpost that has yet to be revealed .

The Chinese Communist Party, which rules China as a single-party state, declared China a “near-Arctic state” in 2012, although its nearest territory is some 900 miles away.

The Chinese regime has more than doubled its investment into Arctic projects since then and is focused on pursuing mineral extraction and scientific engagements, which could help to improve its military capabilities.

China also is attempting to build out a new economic corridor through the region. The so-called Polar Silk Road would link Asia and Europe by traversing the opening waterways of the Arctic along Russia’s northern coast rather than going through the more densely patrolled Indo-Pacific.

The subsequent flow of commercial, scientific, and military vessels into the region has increased, altering a geographic and strategic reality that had long seen little disturbance.

The U.S. Defense Department must invest more to upgrade sensors, communications, and interestingly enough --space-based technologies in the Arctic to keep pace with China and Russia.

Do they need to establish a space-based foothold in the Arctic? Could it be that the region has already been established to be a possible alien outpost that needs to be observed in case of a possible incursion?

They are calling it a critical time for the Arctic -- and troop movements will have to increase by 2025.

We have recently seen a significant push for reinstating mandatory military service. Both the UK and USA have called for all young people to be drafted. 

However, given that there’s no need for so many soldiers these days, as war scenarios are now fought using high-tech weaponry; for example, remotely operated cyber-controlled aircraft, robotics and drones.

What if allof this is part of an alien invasion -- or for some a false flag alien invasion -- from the so-called Kings of the North?

Consider the millions of conscripts required to deal with such a scenario to fight on their homeland. Could, for instance, U.S military conscription be part of a concerted operation tied into a covertly anticipated alien invasion? 

Or is this a front for a fake alien invasion --where no one could question the idea of an alien threat from an area that as yet to be fully explored?

Some people claim that there are alien bases in the Antarctic -- but there really is no military Garrison in the region that we know of -- only speculation of course.

In retrospect, what about the legacy mainstream media’s many recent publications covering aliens? All on the same page, asking the same questions such as, “Do aliens reside among us?” or, “Are they secretly working together planning an invasion…?” Then there are the numerous accounts of alien encounters from whistleblowers and ordinary people, receiving a lot of attention basically saying “They are here."

It certainly raises a few eyebrows. 

The recent House of Representatives approved National Defense Authorization Act has made an amendment that will register all able-bodied resident males aged 18-26 for selective service into the U.S. military in 2025. There are intentions to expand registration to draft women. For more on this go here.

What if these young people forced to enlist soon find themselves fighting a formidable alien enemy --along with Russian and Chinese armies that are willing to defend or protect these ultra-terrestrial or crypto-terrestrial beings?

Remember, to most people, a potential alien threat is thought to come from off-world, aliens showing up in the sky, not from underground lairs. Would an attack from aliens coming from underground really shake people, as they had not been prepared for this? How would this unexpected invasion be reassessed?

That would be one hell of a discovery -- it would be a rude awakening to yet another possibility that these entities are part of this planet -- only that they hide in the far reaches of the planet in extreme conditions.

NATO also has a greater interest in the region as well. As they worry that Russia wishes to absorb other European Nations -- they have moved in their attempts to annex northern territories.

The recent accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO in 2023 and 2024 has further altered the Arctic’s geopolitical landscape. With seven of the eight Arctic nations now part of the alliance, NATO theoretically holds a dominant position in the region. 

Now the question is truly --Who is really absorbing countries in the region and why northern territories near the Arctic? --What could be the real end-game agenda? -- Sure they want Russia and China out of the picture and this again could lead to an even bigger war at the top of the World.

This expansion has also fueled Russia’s narrative of encirclement, potentially increasing tensions and the risk of conflict. 

Russia has been very open about its sea-based nuclear deterrent capabilities. Operating out of the Kola Peninsula, Russian forces there are on permanent stand-by, and ready for a fight. Utilizing the geographic gaps between the UK, Iceland, and Greenland, Russia is easily able to maneuver into a threatening position should it wish.

With all that being said, NATO’s overall strength is significant. Russia seems to be outgunned. At least on paper. However, as it strengthens its ties with China, another player could be entering the frozen fray. 

NATO faces significant challenges in the Arctic. 

The alliance currently lacks proper strategic and operational alignment among its member states. Years of focus on theaters like Afghanistan have left many NATO countries ill-equipped for the unique demands of Arctic operations.

The United States and the United Kingdom, for instance, have seen their anti-submarine warfare capabilities decline while other Arctic NATO members struggle with outdated equipment and limited resources. Russia, on the other hand, has been quietly increasing its Arctic capabilities.

To address these challenges and prevent potential conflict, many strategists, argue that NATO must take decisive action to strengthen its Arctic strategy. 

None of this power grab is being reported in the mainstream news. The focus is on whether or not Russia would annex Poland and other European nations --meaning NATO is kicking the bear once again.

The secretive nature of this whole battle strategy is suspect --especially now that there seems to be more than just valuable commodities in the region -- the value could be in finding those bases responsible for those Tic Tacs that buzz our military.

It can be said that the alien world and the acceptance and our projections upon the phenomenon are what is very telling about us at this time. It is not their actual, unknown nature, it is the fact that the sightings and reverence involved mirror a collective yearning for a transformation of the stultifying and destructive nature of political and cultural realities.

Contemplate how hard evidence of intelligent life outside of our tiny sphere of existence would shatter dogmatic thought and petrified perceptions.

The line between extraterrestrials and ultra terrestrials and crypto terrestrials can become grainy. Tinfoil hats become charged; fear finds a funnel to travel through.

That is what the people on this shiny blue dot fear — that all of their beliefs will be shattered or that they will be fooled into a great deception or false flag where the earth must come together in a New World Order to fight an interplanetary enemy.