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I was reading about how in August Smokey the Bear will be turning 80 years old – or at least his image as an egregore will be 80 and the image or the animated bear that tells us that we can prevent forest fires. However, while we have been bombarded with public service announcements about Forest Fire suppression for years – scientists and some global warming activists are now dogging on good old Smokey saying that the old mascot may be to blame for wildfires.

Smokey was the pitchman for the federal government’s aggressive wildfire suppression policy. Some scientists believe that tactic and climate change may have contributed to making American forests vulnerable to combustion over the long term. They call it “the Smokey Bear effect.”

To understand the history of modern American fire prevention, you actually have to jump back to the terror and anxiety spilling over the country at the start of World War II. Before the war, fire policy was a regular topic of debate — stop fires or allow controlled burns? — among foresters in the West and Southwest. But after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, forestry suddenly became a national security concern.

According to the federal government, in the spring of 1942 Japanese submarines popped up along the West Coast and began shelling Santa Barbara, Calif. The enemy fire landed dangerously close to Los Padres National Forest, igniting concerns among officials that a few well-placed enemy bombs could spark catastrophic fires along the Pacific Coast. The fear was compounded because most of the men who usually fought forest fires were overseas.

The government decided to launch a public campaign promoting hypervigilance among citizens to prevent wildfires. The early campaign, run by the Cooperative Forest Fire Prevention, couched prevention in terms of the war effort. Posters warned “Our Carelessness, Their Secret Weapon” and “Forest Fires Aid the Enemy.” One image featured a forest blaze below the glaring (and frankly racist) caricatures of Japanese Supreme Military Leader Hideki Tojo and Germany’s Adolf Hitler.

Another popular poster from this early effort leveraged anthropomorphic cuteness, tapping Disney’s Bambi for a 1944 campaign. But Walt Disney only licensed his creation for a year. After Bambi’s time was up, government organizers realized they needed a new cuddly face for prevention.

Smokey Bear, created by artist Albert Staehle, made his debut for the Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service in August 1944. The first poster showed Smokey — decked out in his trademark wide-brimmed park ranger hat, and pants, and standing on two legs — pouring a bucket of water over a campfire. “Smokey says — Care will prevent 9 out of 10 woods fires!” the caption boasted. By 1947, Smokey’s tagline was updated: “Remember . . . Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires.”

Smokey has been incredibly effective. As Charles E. Little noted in a 1993 article in American Forests, when the federal government’s fire prevention campaign began in the 1940s, fires regularly burned an average of 30 million acres nationally. By 1988, the United States was seeing 7.4 million acres of damage.

But that success is the problem, according to some scientists.

The original Smokey message fostered the idea that all fires are bad and preventable, critics argue. In reality, fires are a natural part of the ecosystem, regularly clearing out old growth. 

But lately, the message about forest preservation and normal forest fires is being blotted out by Climate Change alarmists.

Imagine Smokey the Bear claiming Only you can prevent earthquakes.’ Or how about, ‘Only you can prevent tornadoes’ – normal people do not believe that – But Climate change people do –and they also believe that Climate is the sole reason for forest fires – and rule out all other possibilities – because for some reason they think by some miracle the government can prevent heat waves –caused by anthropogenic global warming.

Smokey himself has been updated to reflect the more advanced position. In 2001, his catchphrase was updated to “Only You Can Prevent Wildfires” instead of forest fires. According to the bear’s official bio, the change was “in response to a massive outbreak of wildfires in natural areas other than forests and to clarify that Smokey is promoting the prevention of unwanted and unplanned outdoor fires versus prescribed fires.”

I am sure there was some pressure from the Green cult to push these ideas—because they believed that:

Yes only you can prevent hurricanes, Only you can prevent floods, only you can prevent Tornadoes, earthquakes, and heatwaves—all you have to do is listen hop on board the mad science train. 

You see it is all nonsense – the earth is a violent place and yes we should treat the earth with respect – but politically thinking that a government can prevent anything is stupid.

They may be responsible for their little scorched earth policy to prove a point. 

It is that time of the year again, when forest fires, and wildfires become a staple in the news media as they fan the flames of Global Warming -- always blaming the conflagration on lightning and warmer air.

But it is also that time of year when no matter where the fires break out -- conspiracy theorists entertain the idea that fires like this cannot be natural -- and that they are all the result of directed energy weapons.

I think rarely do I hear anywhere, a conspiracy theory about how ecological terrorists or even deep state agents go into these areas and with a few flares can ignite the peat and underbrush in a primitive area to geoengineer the planet to create a haze of cloud cover that literally cool down areas surrounding the blaze.

The annual forest fires have hit, and as usual, that means climate alarmism and attempts to shill an agenda of social control.

Forest fires, or wildfires, are a perfectly natural phenomenon and a vital part of the ecosystem, enabling fresh regrowth and putting nutrients into the soil.

They happened for hundreds of millions of years before humans existed, and will continue to happen long after we shake this mortal coil.

It is sad really that now the tires have been kicked and the fires have been lit that we will have to hear about the fear porn associated with Climate Change.

We also know this story wouldn’t be on the front pages if it didn’t serve some agenda. So what is that agenda? What’s the story behind the story? Who or what is responsible --spoiler alert -- it is not just lightning. 

It’s all about taking the vague background anxiety of climate change – which most people have simply started to ignore – and morphing it into the primal fear and treating firestorms as if they were COVID-19.

There is an old saying that “When the USA catches a cold, the rest of the world comes down with pneumonia.” Well, it goes without saying that most of the fires that are currently burning; will certainly create a Butterfly Effect and what is most disconcerting is that there are some people, mainly those who have a track record of destroying property, who will exploit the situation with what is called spontaneous pyro-terrorism.

We all know that, that the wildfires take place like clockwork during two predictable seasons every year.

That is not in question – what is in question is whether or not geoengineering has been used to create these firestorm conditions for the usual gang of idiots to exploit or maybe help in igniting the fires to send a message.

The effects of the massive fires are far more longstanding, and they are very effective tools in the Climate geoengineering arsenal.

The vast majority of First World nation populations are completely oblivious to the unfolding weaponized environmental cataclysms that are closing in from every side. This unimaginable blindness is, unfortunately, willful in most cases. The majority choose to accept any power structure paid for propaganda, disinformation, and lies of omission that enforce their cognitive bias and enforced anthropogenic climate change laws.

Political operatives are giving the earth a dose of chemotherapy to bring about a figurative scorched earth policy to implement a post-scarcity economy.

If it sounds like I am saying that authorities allow their areas to burn -- then so be it. 

When leaders intentionally allow their cities to be overrun with crime people complain -- but it barely gets a response.

But when those valuable emergency funds are available for wildfires -- I suspect that there are ways that the checks can be cashed, no matter who is in the crosshairs of the damage.

That is a criminal motive hiding in the cloak of Climate emergency.

It is a sad reality that there are arsonists who do their dirty work with plausible deniability.

A Northern California wildland fire that exploded overnight into the state's largest blaze this wildfire season was allegedly started by a man who pushed a burning car into a gully.

The 48-year-old arson suspect linked to starting the Park Fire in Butte County near the city of Chico was arrested Thursday morning and jailed without bail.

The fire is already destroying structures and prompting thousands of evacuations.

The Park Fire in Butte County, California, and the Durkee Fire in Oregon, the largest fire burning in the nation, continued filling West Coast skies with smoke.

In Oregon, the Durkee Fire in Baker County, which was sparked by a lightning strike on July 17, had grown to nearly 270,000 acres, or about 400 square miles.

The fire burning near the Idaho border was 0% contained and had spread into neighboring Malheur County, according to the Oregon Fire Marshal's Office.

President Joe Biden called Oregon Gov. Tina Kotek Thursday evening to discuss the wildfires across the state as thousands of federal personnel are on the ground helping to fight the blazes and keep people safe.

The president offered his support to ensure the state has everything it needs to continue fighting the fires, according to the White House.

The Emergency funds keep flowing into the state government's coffers and the governors are happy to cash these six-figure checks-- just like a landlord who cashes his insurance checks after he leaves a lit cigarette in his fledgling business.

Sorry to be so cynical -- but beyond the Directed energy weapons novelty there is that age-old crime called arson that seems to pay off in many ways thanks to Climate Change and the New Science that gives government carte blanch to tax everyone into oblivion.

Someone has to pay the bills -- the feds pay handsomely -- and the people pay begrudgingly.

Oregon's governor Kotek announced that she has invoked the Emergency Conflagration Act to increase resources to battle the Durkee Fire and the Battle Mountain Complex Fire, which consists of three active fires that have burned a total of about 64,000 in the same area of Umatilla County in Eastern Oregon.

Kotek said she has also deployed the National Guard to the Durkee and Battle Mountain fires.

The sad thing is that if you propose a wider argument about many of these apocalyptic blue print scenarios by accusing governments of allowing agents to sabotage our normal way of life for a new socialist normal, you begin to see the agitation as the technocrats find that any of this analysis thrusts them out of their comfort zones and cheats them out of their fortunes they can make using disaster capitalism.

What a horrible thing to accuse them of sabotaging their own cities to prove a point about Climate change and cash those fire sale checks.

Yeah right.

There are now forest fires burning out of control in Alberta Canada.

According to Canadian officials, nearly all of the forest fires in the Province of Alberta were set by people, not man-made climate change as the mainstream media has claimed.

During a news conference in Edmonton, Canada, Todd Loewen, Alberta's minister of forestry and parks provided information on the wildfire situation in the province, stating that humans setting fires are to blame.

“We expect that almost all of the wildfires we’ve experienced so far this year are human-caused, given the point we’re at in the season and the types of weather we’re seeing,” Loewen said.

Alberta has extinguished 172 wildfires so far in 2024 while 63 are currently burning.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said last August that the fires in her Province were the result of humans and not climate change.

In Quebec, satellite footage also showed the mysterious simultaneous eruption of several blazes across the province, sparking concerns that the fires were a coordinated effort by arsonists.

Again -- not Climate change --and not Directed Energy weapons.

Arsonists -- who are these arsonists and why are they not being jailed?

The unusual Canadian wildfires have already been used as an excuse for more government control.

We should all be suspicious of government disaster stacking as it is a cash cow for government funding.

It is a controlled demolition that is underway where a country collapses under the weight of its various disasters.

The would-be masters of totalitarian control have turned up the heat in a calculated push to make sure responsibility for the forest fires that have broken out during the recent heatwave, are squarely blamed on ‘global warming’. 

The horror is no doubt very real where fires have got out of control, putting lives and property under direct threat – and we should spare a thought for those afflicted in this way.

But the continuous repetition of headlines shouting “Record-breaking heat!” “Devastating fires!” “Hell on Earth!” has become suspiciously familiar-- and words matter even if they are hyperbole.

An increasingly wary public is no longer so easily seduced by the mind-controlling media manipulations employed to enforce public acceptance of the ‘great global warming scare."

Things haven’t been going so well for the ‘Net Zero’ lobby recently. Public sentiment is shifting away from the sort of ‘in-your-face’ simplistic headlines specifically designed to provoke fear and panic; especially when the fully insulated mainstream media agenda completely suppresses any attempt to express another opinion.

It gets old rather quickly.

In fact, fires in Grece have been said to have been triggered by a heat wave -- but there is no evidence to prove this -- but there have been 79 arrests made in the recent fires that have broken out on Mount Parnitha, north-west of Athens.

The blaze is one of hundreds in the nation where wildfires have already killed at least 20 people this week.

Fires in Canada, fires in the USA; fires in China and fires in Europe. Now there will have to be such fires in the headlines every year. They will have to become more extreme, won’t they? 

If not, the story of disasters caused by continuous anthropogenic ‘global warming’ will cease to hold up, and humanity will cease being spellbound by its horror.

And even though arsonists seem to be in the spotlight with the recent fires -- no one can rule out the convenience of using weapons, even scalar weapons to start fires just like the boys do in warfare.

What lengths will the psychopathic elite cabal go to achieve their ‘Net Zero’ Transhuman planet?

You know the answer.

We just have to get it into our heads that ‘they’ will stop at nothing, to achieve their Luciferian nightmare.