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The big news over the weekend was the fiasco that was the Olympic Games opening ceremony. I mentioned a few days ago that the Olympic opening ceremonies are acts of pagan ritual that have been emulated since the Nazi pageantry of the 1930s. The lighting of the torch is the caldron of fire – however, artists and the upper echelon of the games have created opening ceremonies that are meant to show the best in the country that is hosting.

After Friday’s debacle, we are realizing that the merchants of the Olympic brand are running out of ideas.  For decades, the deception of common humanity and the broader interests of building peace before the terror of war supposedly immunized the Olympics from slander and critique.  

Olympism was a high-ended spectrum of nobility, though it reeked of the body beautiful and a state-sponsored cult of blood. However, the game's opener last Friday, had a bit of blood and the body beautiful but it was also an excuse to make everything a gay pride parade –and sprinkle a few blasphemous activities to offend Christianity and a few other images that lampoon American nationalism. 

In such an environment, the public will generally matter less than buffoonish government self-promotion. However now political nihilism is being sold to the public and if you see it as a satanic rite—you are not alone, It's like when people say that they know pornography when they see it – people are seeing the devil in the detail of the game’s opening ceremonies. 

Olympic openers have always been an exercise in predictive programming – as many have seen in previous outings terrifying images of Children in Hospital beds, being terrorized by demonic figures, as well as honorariums to Mesopotamian and Egyptian demons.

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics generated such backlash that it was effectively struck by the internet.

They don’t want people to rewatch this thing intently because it certainly shows that those who organized the opener are pretty nihilistic and some will even claim they are open Satan worshippers. 

I have pointed out many times on many shows that the Olympic Games are ritualistic procedures that promote the idea of a New World Order. They are most certainly organized distractions from pertinent news stories. 

The Olympics have throughout history been timed in such a way to distract people from world problems and domestic failures. 

Every Olympic outing has by coincidence or even synchronicity signaled the beginning of a destructive cycle, which puts into question if the opening ceremonies are rituals to open up the world to chaos. 

The modern Olympics have always been a massive psychological operation, to desensitize and literally demonstrate what a New World Order consists of. The Olympics play an integral part in Occult and conspiratorial history. 

However the opening ceremonies in France took the games to a new low-- and many people, even those that are not sniffing out Satanic symbolism were taken aback by the sheer mockery towards God and the ideals and the presumed nationalism of the United States.

While some performances at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics have already sparked outrage on social media, online critics were quick to point out that France allegedly made a subliminal attack on the Statue of Liberty.

A video widely shared on X, formerly Twitter, shows some Opening TV animation for the Olympics has a balloon traveling past the Statue of Liberty and she is beaten battered, with a shattered crown and has bullet holes in her.

Is this some sick indication of predictive programming? Why on earth would a video show what was said to be a gift from France torn down and destroyed much like it was in the ending scene from the film Planet of the Apes?

Some online wondered if this was predictive programming, or deeply what the French want to see happen. Nonetheless, the ceremonies continued with some eerie apocalyptic images.

The opening ceremony of the Olympics began with kids walking around a creepy tunnel that contains the remains of over six million people. It is called Barriere d’Enfer or the Gate of Hell, and there have been persistent rumors of satanic rituals taking place in its underground passages for centuries.

As the children use the illuminating torch -- they see that there are walls are made of human skulls -- they are met by the Ferryman -- Charon -- or a hooded figure made to look like the Ferryman on the River Styx-- the river to hell.

There was a part of the opening ceremony that hinted at sex with minors and a threesome with Gay men – I thought what did this have to do with the games – it was bizarre because the scene was held in a library where one of the dancers pulled out the book Diable au Corps (Devil in the Flesh). 

The book tells the story of a married woman having an affair with a 15-year-old boy while her husband is out at war. This of course led to the men appearing to be horny – and then they kissed –and other men kissed too – giving new meaning to Gay Paris. 

A hooded figure in white was then seen in the ceremony riding a pale or silver horse down the River Seine. It does not matter what the intent was, many people saw it as the death horse, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

The pale rider had the Olympic flag wrapped around him like a cape and he was a hooded figure whose face was hidden by a Fencing mask.

Gamers online thought it looked like the character from the video game Assassin's Creed, some say it looked like the hooded figure of the reaper riding the pale horse. 

The Associated Press reported that the figure represented a lot of characters from French culture.

The mysterious torchbearer was inspired by a Belphégor, the “Phantom of the Opera,” Fantomas, and Ezio from “Assassin's Creed" just to name a few.

Ground Zero did an entire show on saying that the Catholic church had warned that during COVID-19 many people were possessed by this demon of sloth. He can also be seen as a demon of indulgence and is weirdly enough Hell's ambassador to France. The same claim was repeated by Victor Hugo in Toilers of the Sea in the 1800's.

In France, it is also believed that Belphégor's companion is the hooded Death or the Reaper.

In the French myth, The Ankou is the henchman of and he is also known as the grave yard watcher, they said that he protects the graveyard and the souls around it for some unknown reason and he collects the lost souls on his land.

He has been known to ride an emaciated horse, or he has two badly decayed horses pulling a cart with squeaky wheels. It is believed that every graveyard has one and if he and Belphégor are seen together death shall pass through the streets-- these figures along with clowns in death paint were seen in the streets during the plague.

The clown face was originally a representation of the corpse ravaged by the plague. The white pale face, and the over-enlarged mouth made with red corpse paint represented the swelling red lips and also the clown's wors suits with purple tassels representing the baubles that appear on the skin -- some also wore large shoes to represent the swelling feet of the dead.

The White Rider, in the opening of the Olympic ceremony, meant a lot of different things to the observer, but most were chilled as they all pretty much agreed that what was seen was demonic or sinister in nature.

Everywhere on Twitter, there were people quoting scripture from the Book of Revelation:

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and the name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth."

The question is, was this image intended to strike fear into people? Was it yet another act of the revelation of the method or predictive programming fore structuring a future event where many people will die?

Later in the ceremony came a moment that offended not only the Catholic church, but many evangelic Christians as well.

It was a scene that depicted a postmodern reenactment of DaVinci’s Last Supper replacing Jesus and his disciples with drag queens instead of Jesus and his disciples.

It was like something from the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It even included some Children, one in particular was a little girl sitting in front of an androgynous man who had his genitals hanging out of his shorts.

A US-based Catholic Bishop, who described himself as someone who “loves the Olympics”, slammed the portrayal of The Last Supper during the opening ceremony in Paris as a “gross mockery”.

Bishop Robert Barron, described the moment as a “gross, sort of flippant mockery,” and added: “France, whose culture is grounded very much in Christianity, felt the right thing to do was to mock the Christian faith.”

There on social media took their criticisms one step further than the senior Christian minister, and labeled the performance as ‘satanic’.

What was even more disturbing was that during the segment a covered meal was brought to the table. When it was uncovered it revealed a naked bearded man with a crown of flowers. His skin was painted blue and his beard was golden.

The Blue Man apparently was comedy actor Philippe Katerine singing the song NU -- meaning Naked.

He was supposed to be the Greek God Dionysus -- as he sang the table was turned into a Runway and the Drag Queens walked the catwalk twerking and gyrating in front of the cameras. It was also a bit sick to think that the drag queens were flaunting themselves around a phallic tower -- something that was not lost on the crowd.. some of then walked out.

Apologists for the drag supper claim that it was merely a reference to The Feast of the Gods by Jan Hermansz van Bijlert.

The whole divisive piece was meant to divide people, even though the creator says that it wasn't.

It’s a carefully constructed Rorschach test created to make each side look mad in the eyes of the other. 

From there was a dash of heavy metal music provided by the band GOJIRA -- they were playing on the ledges of a castle, with simulated blood shooting out of the windows and flames everywhere.

What was most creepy was a window featuring a beheaded Marie Antionette, singing with her head in her lap.

It was certainly an interesting trick -- it can only be described as something you would see on a Disney ride-- but only if the ride was designed by sadists.

It certainly had that good old-fashioned devil appeal to it.

In another sequence, spectators saw what appeared to be a Golden bull and deer during the ceremony. They did, it was the sculpture called Trocadéro bull. 

Occult observers saw it as an homage to Moloch the Horned God of the Canaanites. 

Associations with Moloch include the bull-headed deity, fire, child sacrifice, and the legend of the Minotaur.

Now before you say that all of this is conjecture, and that people were angry for no reason -- the Olympic Committee and NBC have struck the entire ceremony off of the internet so no one can watch it.

Many social media users on Saturday reported their X accounts had been frozen as a result of these takedown notices issued by ATHLETIA on behalf of The International Olympic Committee.

In response to the video takedowns, Elon Musk stated, “This is overzealous application of DMCA. The law permits limited use of copyrighted material in special circumstances.”

He did say that the Last Supper segment was a mocking of Christianity.

The Olympic committee apologized for their awful opening ceremony. But at the same time were defending it -- based on the idea that the games should include everyone and every lifestyle. They claimed that this was their way to be inclusive and represent France.

But this representation has outraged Bishops of the Church in France and several corporate sponsors are ditching the Olympics.

Telecommunications company C Spire has removed all advertising from the Olympics after they mocked Christianity in their opening ceremony.

C Spire is the sixth-largest wireless provider in the United States.

French DJ 'Barbara Butch,' a Jewish lesbian who portrayed Christ in the Last Supper segment bragged proudly that the segment was an attack on Christianity -- she was forced to remove her statement from the internet.

The Olympic authorities and the artistic director stated that there was never an intention to show disrespect to a religious group with the scene created by artistic director Thomas Jolly - also of Jewish descent, who notably excluded a depiction of, Mohammad and his young bride at the table.

This sort of mockery is what triggered the terrorist attack on the controversial political magazine offices of Charlie Hebdo seven years ago.

Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - the former papal nuncio to the United States who questioned the legitimacy of Pope Francis and the authority of the Second Vatican Council-even made a statement about the Satanic ceremony of the games.

In a scathing rebuke of the Olympics, Viganò called the opening ceremony "the latest in a long series of vile attacks on God, the Catholic Religion and natural Morality by the antichrist elite holds that hostage Western countries."

"We a dystopian dance macabre in Holograms of the horsemen of the Apocalypse alternated with a plump blue Dionysius, served under a bell of various courses; the parody of the LGBTQ+ Last Supper..." the letter continues.

Viganò also pointed to "disconcerting scenes at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 of inauguration of the Gotthard Tunnel, and the 2022 Commonwealth Games, featuring infernal figures, goats, and terrifying animals."

The elite who organize these ceremonies demand not only the right to blasphemy and the obscene display of the foulest vices, but even their mute acceptance by Catholics and decent people, who are forced to suffer the outrage of the most sacred symbols of their Faith and the very foundations of the Natural Law desecrated. -Carlo Maria Viganò

According to Viganò, "Satan makes nothing: only he ruins everything. He does not invent: he tampers. And his followers are no different: they humiliate woman’s femininity to erase the motherhood that recalls the Virgin Mother; they castrate man’s manhood to tear from the image of God’s fatherhood; they corrupt the little ones to kill in them and make them victims of the most abject wokeism."

Viganò says it's "no coincidence" that the ceremonies were presided over by French President Emanuel Macron, an 'emissary of the World Economic Forum,' who 'passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.'

Oddly enough Hindus were outraged, and believe it or not even the governments of Egypt and Iran were offended.

An article in Avvenire, the daily Italian newspaper affiliated with the Catholic church, said: “Don’t take us for moralistic bigots, but what’s the point of having to experience every single global event, even a sporting one, as if it were a Gay Pride?”

They make an excellent point -- it certainly appeared to be more like a gay pride event than an Olympic one -- but why would the reaction be that of satanic Panic?

Because it was a mockery of religious reverence.

It was actually opined by the church in France that it has a problem with open expressions of Satanism.

It has been so bad that newspapers in Europe and travel guides in Europe have warned those who wish to travel there should be on the lookout for what they call Diabolical behaviors.

You can imagine the surprise of finding such subject matter covered in decidedly secular publications.

Further investigation suggested that similar reports had run in other news outlets, with the issue originating, seemingly, in The Economist-- warning of diabolical activity during the summer games.

It was reported in the Catholic Register that exorcisms are on the rise in France.

Recent years have seen an increase in the number of prayer groups in the Church aimed at seeking deliverance from the influence of demons, while not actually engaging in real exorcisms. These meetings are led by lay people, even when a priest is present.

The Times reported the views of Father Emmanuel Coquet. He is the Deputy-General Secretary of the French Bishops Conference and also helps to run France’s National Bureau of Exorcists. His comments were sober, but in some ways, more troubling. It is true, he said, that the designated priests in Paris are now carrying out exorcisms more frequently than in recent years—the figures have leaped from 15 each year to about 50. Annually, around 2,500 people contact the Paris diocese asking for advice on the matter of possession.

Father Coquet also went on to make the important point that many were coming seeking exorcism for their ills—real or imagined—when recourse to the Sacraments and prayer was needed more, at least in the first instance. His reported comments suggest that within French society there is a growing number of people who recognize some form of evil in their lives but do not know of how to counter its influence.

France is the headquarters for most secret societies. Many accounts of diabolical activity date back to the 19th century and it has continued into the 21st, However now it is most brutal and it is openly practiced -- it may or may not be obvious by the opening ceremonies of the Olympics.

Coincidentally this is the 33rd Olympic event -- and many may also see that as a synchronicity as the 33rd degree is the the highest position in freemasonry.

As always, the Olympics throws up the question of how far the host city has managed to come through on the issue of facilities, infrastructure, and organization. Few would have doubted that Paris has the facilities, but there was always going to be grumbling about the choice of opening, and mode of execution--and the opening ceremonies were plagued with problems, one with the weather, and the trains that were halted because of Arson. 

It was also reported that after the first day -- some of the areas in France lost power-- delaying some events.

Who would have guessed that the opening ceremonies were so open with their satanic tendencies that someone -- or a group of people-- would notice and get angry enough to pull out or even boycott the games?

Again it is just another representation of the despotic, authoritarian corrupt representatives, that allow this Luciferian show to be seen -- representing their contribution to the World reset.

If the Olympics represent the future -- we are all doomed.