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Transcript for 7/31/24: CRY HAVOC – LET LOOSE THE GEARS OF WAR

One of the things you can count on is that the earth, and the humans that occupy it -- operate in patterns or cycles. If you are into history or even if you are into biblical study or conspiracy history you see these cycles and soon you find yourself using historical events as oracles.

Generations tend to rhyme history, and we see most histories evolve into decadence, and then after some sort of come uppence find themselves in a rebirth pattern.

We see humans somehow pick up the pieces and get on with life after major catastrophes befall them. 

Our everyday lives clearly support a cyclical view of the world. There are 24 hours in a day progressing from light to darkness and back again. There are 365 days in a year progressing from Spring to Summer to Fall to Winter, and then starting the cycle over again. A month is dictated by the four phases of the Moon. Our oceans rise and fall in a predictable pattern of high tides and low tides based on lunar phases.

Even Christian religions that preach a linear view of the world, celebrate their beliefs in a predictable annual cycle encompassing the life of Christ from his birth, life, death, and resurrection. The human life cycle extends 80 to 100 years going through the stages of childhood, young adulthood, midlife, and elderhood. 

This cycle has not changed over the whole history of Earth. A long human life approximates a century of time. The rhythm of time has a regularity and cadence that is predictable on a generational level. The elites, most academics, religious zealots and social engineers scoff at the idea of predictable cycles of history. It throws a monkey wrench into their deceptive self-aggrandizing agendas.

Anyone who is being honest recognizes the country is on a path towards a major calamity. We have been living beyond our means for decades and the fiscal mismanagement of the country will come to a dramatic climax in the next decade. What many deny is that this crisis was pre-ordained based upon a predictable timeline of generational forces repeating over and over again throughout history. 

The elites are continuously stunned that every 20 to 25 years a fresh mood engulfs the country and new generations act differently than the generations who preceded them. 

The privileged are astounded because they don’t want to accept the fact that progress is not linear and that society will undergo highs and lows over a century.

Previous periods of unraveling in American history were also decades of cynicism and bad manners. The Roaring 20s were the last Unraveling period that led to the stock market crash in 1929, the Great Depression and World War II. 

There was so much decadence and debauchery in Europe during these times. 

Early 1920s Germany, post WW1 which Germany was made to take responsibility for, saw rampant inflation, violence and crime, murder, starvation, and homelessness.

The Bolshevik Revolution was ongoing in Germany after Russia, but stopped by the German military that was left over from the first WW.

Communist elements infiltrated schools in particular, but entertainment as well. Weimar Berlin became a hub of decadence.

“Women dressed like men and flaunted their lesbian lovers. Nudity was everywhere. The very word ‘Weimar’ conjured up images of cabarets, cross-dressers, open homosexuality and prostitution. Berlin, with other German cities not far behind, became a Mecca of scandal, moral degradation, and nudity.” - 

The Institute of Sexual Science performed the first sex change surgery. Degraded family. We get the word transvestite from this time. Porn was everywhere and for kids.

We have come full circle to the Weimar curse... and the famine of spiritual reverence and morality-- those who participate offend those who do not --and when called on their open decadence they claim they are oppressed. 

For the oppressed in this country and globally, sobriety is the order of the day. We don’t have the luxury of being inebriated by the liberal fantasies of the “toward a more perfect nation through wokeness" crowd.

It is just more of the same woes that have been around in years past. 

After last night's show, I woke up and read some of the comments about it. Some people obviously did not listen to the program and made judgments based on what they saw on Facebook.

I have realized that most people do not bother to open their minds anymore to all thoughts and possibilities. I blame the legacy media to a certain degree and I also should put some of the blame on those who wish to push an agenda even when it comes to some of the run-of-the-mill conspiracy theories.

Many people find it to be a big shock when I say that I am very sarcastic when it comes to some of the more popular run-of-the-mill conspiracy theories. The reason is that I know who generates them.

Oddly, some virtual unknown, that no one has heard before gets his Twitter account featured in the mainstream news -- and lo and behold every new journalist that needs to make a deadline --writes that the right-wing or that conspiracy theorists all believe in this one patently absurd idea.

It can be daunting -- because what happens is a mutual reinforcement of pathological thinking where you have totally wrong premises that lead to a conclusion that appears self-evident on the surface so anyone who doesn't have the impetus or drive to actually question or see if something's true will just automatically tend to assume that it's true and then adopt it as one of their own views and then that just reinforces it even more because then when they talk to other people they're doing the same process that the media is doing and it spreads like this kind of thought virus.

You try to reveal where logic fails in the scenario and you are immediately accused of being controlled opposition or a gatekeeper for the deep state.

Well here is a clue, most conspiracy theories are organic, and the ones that I hear being criticized by the media -- have been created by the deep state-- and they use absurdity to make those who theorize look like mental misfits.

This kind of thinking is contagious. It's like a disease that if it's not nipped in the bud somewhere, if you're not actually trained to think, there's really no way to escape it because people think automatically and the premises that go into their logic are presented to them with no alternatives. So it's like a force of nature that is pretty much inescapable without something to counter it. 

This goes for anything they want you to think is an issue. Most of the time the so-called important issues that they keep pushing in the media are concerns by the minority of the people. The majority are often not heard, or they are canceled in some way.

It sets up the background noise that is needed to move clandestinely through governments and religions to turn them into servants for the Great Reset. 

As we pointed out last night the Olympic ceremony is just a symptom of this but it actually opens a can of worms and indicates that we are heading towards what is called "The Fourth Turning."

This "Fourth Turning" By Howe and Strauss was written in 1997 -- it was considered a prophetic book about the sorry state of affairs in the United States and of its downfall.

Neil Howe and William Strauss argue that history follows a clear and predictable cycle. Each cycle lasts around a lifetime and consists of four seasons (turnings), each marked by a profound shift in the national mood and culture.

It is often argued that the single greatest driver of the rapidly accelerating downward spiral, that the wealthiest and most powerful nations on Earth are now experiencing, is the inexorable push toward technological singularity. More specifically, it’s the Transhumanism Agenda and the quest for Autonomous Superintelligence that is driving the entire world into the abyss. 

The attainment of human immortality is seen as nothing but a satanic conspiracy to usurp the divine. 

What’s really crucial to correctly comprehend during the upcoming tumultuous, turbulent, and tempestuous times is that there is ONLY one way to navigate them successfully. It is to prepare yourselves physically and spiritually, because the whole world is about to be tested just before and after the 2024 election cycle.

There is always a grave plan to implement a shock to the system.

While some may think it is cliche we must find our way back to having a close relationship with the divine-- the way to kill God is to ignore him --and it is obvious that many people have and many people still do -- because they have somehow lost that spark and do not hear that small voice that gives them the enthusiasm to expect better.

Americans see time as their enemy. Most Americans have bought into a view of the past and future as linear. When you linearly observe the world and things are going well, the population is happy and confident. If you linearly view the world and things are going badly, the population sees nothing but terrible times ahead. This linear outlook of history and the future is not rational or supported by facts.

I have also stated that most prophecies you hear either from Nostradamus or the Bible are not linear either.

This is why they apply to so many events in so many different ways.

For example, Nostradamus spoke of a widespread war breaking out after what he calls "The Games of The Slaughter." It is very detailed and curiously the games of the slaughter could very well be the Olympic games.

Nostradamus writes:

Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin where once was Attila's empire and the new Xerxes will descend with great and countless numbers, so that the coming of the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the 48th degree, will make a transmigration, chasing out the abomination of the Christian Church, and whose reign will be for a time and to the end of time.

This will be preceded by a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world, except that after the death and passion of Jesus Christ. And it will be in the month of October that the great translation will be made and it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that it is to be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness."

Atilla's Empire encompasses Europe, Russia, and China.

The 48th degree encompasses much of Persia or Iran. They will rise against the Christian church -- or they will rise up against what they see as blasphemers of the Abrahamic religions.

Mainly Christians and Jews.

In Century 10 Quatrain 74:

Nostradamus speaks of the games of slaughter and the 7th year cycle being accomplished. 

In 2023, some referred to the year as a Shmita year. During Shmita, agricultural activities are forbidden, debts are forgiven, and private land becomes open to the public.

The Great Turning, according to Nostradamus, will appear during the time of what he calls the Games of Slaughter. Not far from the age of the great millennium, when the dead will come out of their graves

He then says that all of this is preceded by a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world, except that after the death and passion of Jesus Christ.

The last total eclipse over the United States happened on April 8th, 2024.

The eclipse was a sign of ouroboros the symbol of the Dragon eating its tail -- a sign of the rise of the Dragon that some people believe was foretold by the apostle John in the Book of Revelation.

Are we about to see another great war move from the 48th parallel move to the Middle East again?

Israel struck Hezbollah targets deep inside Lebanon last Sunday, The day after a rocket strike from Lebanon killed 12 people, most of them teenagers and children, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, raising the specter of all-out war.

Things are heating up all over the world and we are always wondering if there will be a global conflict raising the old axiom "Wars and Rumors of Wars."

This is a time of great turmoil, when society’s basic institutions are torn down and rebuilt, and seemingly intractable problems are addressed. 

We are crisis stacking -- and it is hard to keep up with all of the toils of the crisis -- it is burdensome and in some cases intolerable.

Future shock sets in and people attack what they do not understand -- this is why it is not at all out of the question that the ideological wars turn into full-blown conflagrations.

History says that it is so -- and we seem to love a good rhyming history that vindicates the prophets and the seers of our times.

The ultimate resolution could be rational and well thought out or it could end in a fiery fight to the death between countries or generations.

Countries that struggle with changes often become violent cesspools -- they bleed openly --we suffer from apoplexy.

Sometime between today and 2025, this nation will undergo a test of its very survival.

According to the book "The Fourth Turning" we read:

“The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.”

America feels like it is unraveling. Though we live in an era of relative peace and comfort, we have settled into a mood of pessimism about the long-term future, fearful that our superpower nation is somehow rotting from within.

During the coming crisis, our culture will likely be cleansed, censored, and harnessed-- we will be assured it is for the greater good and for the safety of every American.

It will be the same pitch they gave us during the Covid-19 debacle.. this will aggravate the freedom fighters, that do not want to feel oppressed and gagged, for the so-called greater good of the elite.

History offers no guarantees. Things could go horribly wrong – the possibilities ranging from a nuclear exchange to incurable plagues, from terrorist anarchy to high-tech dictatorship. We should not assume that Providence will always exempt our nation from the irreversible tragedies that have overtaken so many others: not just temporary hardship, but debasement and total ruin.