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There is going to be a big UN meeting called Summit of the Future on September 22nd, where the “Pact for the Future” is to be signed by world leaders heads of government and state. 

The pact, which essentially constitutes a blueprint for a global technocracy to manage global risks on behalf of the global corporatocracy, is now being finalized for completion.

The preparatory work began in 2015 with the report Confronting the Crisis of Global Governance by The Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance.

The commission, which was chaired by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Nigerian UN diplomat Ibrahim Gambari, recommended that a World Conference on Global Institutions be held when the UN celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2020. The aim was to reform the UN system to make it better equipped to respond effectively to “new threats and opportunities”. At the same time, work began on developing “global governance innovations”.

The commission was supported by the Dutch institute The Hague Institute for Global Justice and the Washington-based think tank Stimson Center.

Stimson, who has been extremely central in the preparatory work, represents the global corporatocracy (WEF, CFR) and international philanthropy (Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford, Gates, etc.). The pact is part of their ongoing world conquest.

Madeleine Albright, a protégé of Columbia professor Zbigniew Brzezinski (co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller), was an ideal choice. As a member of TriCom as well as the Council on Foreign Relations, there was no doubt what interests she served.

Five years later, in the middle of a pandemic that was designed to act as a “triggering event”, the UN organization’s future priorities were discussed at the UN meeting “Building the Future We Want, The UN We Need”.

The plans as we see are history-- and now the deal must again be sealed and this time with the same old globalists wishing to take over the world -- but this time they have an effective tool to terrify their subjects.

In January, the first draft of the pact was published, followed by negotiations with member states and other stakeholders. The latest revision was published on 17 July.

The pact’s message is that we are in a “global transformation where a growing number of global catastrophic risks threaten to completely break the world apart.

But progress in science, technology and innovations can instead mean a breakthrough to a “better” and more sustainable world," 

However, this requires that the crises are handled collectively by a multilateral system with the UN at the center. For this purpose, the UN needs to be upgraded.

Of course, they need another existential threat --and it is all wrapped in another health crisis where they also can link it to Climate Change.

The intention is for this new multilateral world system to “protect future generations” and to implement the United Nations utopian Agenda 2030 with its seventeen sustainability goals. According to the pact, this can only be realized if carbon dioxide emissions are drastically reduced to keep the temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius. 

The climate has long been the linchpin of the agenda. However, less than 2% of the world cares about the Climate scares --and so plans are being carried out to connect Climate change with health crisis --and the deterioration of human and animal life.

A real extinction-level simulation where billions die. 

One of the biggest lies the media has ever told the world is that when the pandemic happened the whole world was surprised an unprepared.

If you are a listener to Ground Zero or even when I appeared on Infowars two years before the pandemic, you know that from the Clade X simulation to Event 201 -- the globalists knew what would terrify people into falling in line.

Bill Gates announced with a smirk the proposed body count and the excess deaths from the vaccine... even before the vaccine was even made-- or was it? You can decide for yourself if these poisonous shots were already synthesized to be distributed to people who were terrified of dying from some unknown disease.

The vaccination push became a circus as the government was holding lotteries, to convince people to take the shot. You get a free order of fries if you showed your vaccination card -- or a free donut -- the offers were absurd.

While the most powerful nations looked inward, four non-governmental global health organizations began making plans for their move for a global medical complex.

What followed was a steady, almost inexorable shift in power from the overwhelmed governments to a group of unelected non-governmental organizations that attempted to make plans for a world health governmental body.

The moves towards a New World Order were underway, and at the very helm were the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and the CDC.

While nations were still debating the seriousness of the pandemic, the groups identified potential vaccine makers and targeted investments in the development of tests, treatments, and shots. They used their clout with the World Health Organization to help create an ambitious worldwide distribution plan for the dissemination of those tools to needy nations, though it would ultimately fail to live up to its original promises.

Countries and leadership all over the world listened to a global constituency of non-governmental experts passing the buck to the world order giving us a taste of what a full-blown tyrannical world government would look like.

But that was only the beginning.

Yesterday, the head of the World Health Organization said an emergency committee will be convened to discuss whether the current monkey pox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo represents a public health emergency of international concern.

Also, the number of pathogens that could trigger the next pandemic has grown to more than 30, and now includes influenza A virus, dengue virus and monkeypox virus, according to the WHO.

Researchers say that the list of ‘priority pathogens’ will help organizations to decide where to focus their efforts in developing treatments, vaccines and diagnostics.

But there is a caveat-- whatever new pandemic is coming, there are those who are now getting tough on medical dissent -- even to the point of forcing vaccines at gunpoint.

This is not a hoax, hyperbole, or conspiracy theory -- this is the new plan and it is nothing short of terrifying.

An interview with Texas Children’s Hospital’s Dr. Peter Hotez began circulating with the Big Pharma insider calling for the United Nations and NATO to deploy security forces against “anti-vaxxers” in the United States. 

Dr. Hotez’s statements first appeared on the YouTube channel of an international pediatric conference that took place in Colombia, but the interview then jumped onto X.

The International Symposium of Pediatric Updates later removed the interview from YouTube although photos can still be found on Facebook.

Hotez claims “anti-vaxxers” caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in the United States. 

Hotez stated matter of fact -- that the Global Medical Reset will have to be enforced by NATO and UN troops.

"What I’ve said to the Biden administration is, the health sector can’t solve this on its own. We’re going to have to bring in Homeland Security, the Commerce Department, Justice Department to help us understand how to do this.

I’ve said the same with…I met with [WHO general director] Dr. Tedros last month…to say, I don’t know that the World Health Organization can solve this on our own. We need the other United Nations agencies—NATO. This is a security problem because it’s no longer a theoretical construct or some arcane academic exercise. Two hundred thousand Americans died because of anti-vaccine aggression, and anti-science aggression.

And so, this is now a lethal force…and now I feel as a pediatric vaccine scientist…it’s important, just as important for me to make new vaccines, to save lives. The other side of saving lives is countering this anti-vaccine aggression."

Hotez has long been noted for promoting controversial and sometimes false statements about the Covid pandemic and then accusing his critics of “anti-science.”

But of course, the mainstream media loves him and his ideas are embraced by the globalists who tend to agree that there needs to be a lethal enforcement of getting vaccines.

But this is not the first time Hotez has called for police to deploy against those who disagree with his views on science. Last October, Scientific American platformed Hotez as an expert on “anti-science” and didn’t bat an eyelid when he said support for scientists would require intervention by the Department of Homeland Security and the creation of a federal interagency task force.

Dr. Hotez again called for deploying federal police to support science during a grand rounds lecture he gave in August 2021.

Hotez said the “disinformation empire” threatened America and would need to be dealt with by the Department of Homeland Security:

"The problem is the disinformation empire is so vast and pervasive that until we do something more definitive to get to the source of the disinformation and stop it, it’s not going to have that much of an impact. And that’s where everybody moves away from me."

They were back then but now we are seeing the events in the UK unfold and the arrests of those who wish to express themselves. We also have to deal with Tim Walz who also believes that free speech must be curtailed in favor of tyrannical rule.

Imagine being arrested or even shot because you refuse a medical procedure like getting a vaccine.

Earlier this year, Time Magazine named Hotez a “Science Warrior” and one of the 100 most influential people in global health.

You see where this can go if people like Hotez continue to spread their terror agendas -- and his brand of medical coercion.

Global government is no conspiracy, and forcing people to do their bidding is in their agenda-- and one way they can march in and take over unabated is to turn everything into a health crisis from Climate change to whatever pandemic they see fit to weaponize.

As you may already have guessed politicians, academics, policymakers, and UN officials routinely talk about a global reset, a new world order a reason to build back better.

Using health and wellness as a ploy to do so is the lowest form of treachery.

As you can see global government is not something that is organic -- it is being directed --and simulations and psychological operations, to socially engineer the world are underway.

This is no conspiracy theory; it is something that the people involved openly discuss – they hide their plans in perfectly plain sight. And this has been going on for a long time. In the early 1990s, when the Cold War had drawn to a close, the UN convened something called the Commission on Global Governance, which released a final report – called ‘Our Global Neighborhood‘ – in 1995. 

"The report maintains that global governance is necessary because the world is globalizing, and that brings with it global problems that need solving collectively. And the logic must be impeccable in the minds of those who are engaged in the global governance project, because what they say has remained essentially the same ever since.

Hence, if we fast forward from 1995 to 2024, we find world leaders finalizing a revised draft of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’s proposed ‘Pact for the Future’, a memorandum of guiding principles for global governance which will be the culmination of his ‘Our Common Agenda‘ project, launched in 2021."

So, once again, we are reminded in this document that we live in “a time of profound global transformation” in which we face challenges that are “deeply interconnected” and “far exceed the capacity of any single state alone”. 

These spiritually wicked women and men in high places love to dictate their plans with medieval precision.

They lay out the strategy of tension and chaos by simulation and plot. They continue to run their programs of staging a possible alien threat -- an artificial rapture, where only they can provide salvation.

A counterfeit cult that has all the trappings of the Beast allegories read in the book of the apocalypse.

Forcing a vaccine, is no different than forcing the mark of the beast on the unsuspecting naive peasant.

Governments read Bibles, they read the Koran, the Talmud and they also read Nostradamus.

They know how to utilize “signs, prodigies, marvels and monstrosities as threats and crises that only they can deliver us from.

It is a tyrannical system of obedience -- or face certain death.

The dynamic is they create the dragons --and then they later slay them -- but the peasants must comply, or the dragon will come back.

A huge example was during the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Many rightwing commentators and mainstream church leaders attributed Trump’s “miraculous” brush with death to divine intervention. The message was out: “God wanted to save America by saving his divinely chosen vessel Donald Trump.” 

It worked-- for a while -- and some are still caught up in that medieval divinity spell -- but it was then taken from the top of mind and applied to the new saviors on the blue state side of the world.

We know the bottomless degeneracy that the political left the dragon represents, but tinkering with the idea that some degree of national deliverance can be found in the red dragon is a fallacy that leads to ruination.

Both are dragons and we have to determine if one can be tamed -- what are the chances of this? Especially when we see that outside forces -- the dragon of the globalist elite are waiting to employ their scorched earth policy.

The Suince cult had set themselves up as the arbiters of truth-- how can you argue with that without sounding like a fool?

You can't -- and this is why it is hard to stand up to the big ugly dragon that comes to your doorstep -- to kick in your door waiting to jab you with a poisonous needle like an anthropogenic mosquito.

The sheeple have always been devoured by the red and blue dragons. They always were and always will be until the Kingdom comes.

But the Dragon of the antichrist rises now from the sea and wishes to devour a third of the population.

Those who give power to this dragon see it as a divine rite.

Now what we are seeing is an establishment of a technocratic rule of experts, where a “scientific” priesthood will determine the limits for our actions and “protect us” from global shocks. Science will be used more frequently to anchor decisions.

But it is all based on a “science” that is not allowed to be questioned or scrutinized. Instead, it constitutes an absolute truth. It is “The Science”, science as a dogma, rather than a method.

The UN Secretary-General has already created a scientific council consisting of seven “eminent scientists” as well as a group of chief scientists from UN agencies including “pandemic expert” Jeremy Farrar, since 2023 chief scientist at the WHO, and climate scientist Jürg Luterbacher from the WMO.

Farrar had a prominent role during the C-19 pandemic as director of the Wellcome Trust established in 1936 by pharmaceutical magnate Henry Wellcome, founder of Burroughs Wellcome, one of the predecessors of GlaxoSmithKline. Farrar was recently labeled “pandemic protector” on Time Magazine’s list of Health Titans.

But looking back at the dark histories of the Wellcome Trust -- you will find that decades ago they promoted and championed the rise of eugenics policies used throughout Nazi Germany and North America. Besides the Wellcome Trust the list included such powerhouses as the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Human Sterilization League for Human Betterment today renamed “Engender Health” which have all taken leading roles in the World Health Organization.

This is more than a little concerning.

The fact that these eugenics organizations simply re-branded themselves after WWII and are now implicated in modern RNA vaccine development alongside the Galton Institute (formerly British Eugenics Association), Oxford’s AstraZeneca, Pfizer and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation should give any serious thinker pause as we consider what patterns of history we are willing to tolerate repeating in our presently precarious age.

By 2030, it is currently estimated people over the age of 85 will triple while seniors between 65-85 will double. The financial costs of sustaining this demographic will skyrocket as healthcare services double from their currently massive $1.4 trillion/year to $3 trillion/year by 2050 (in the USA).

As cost-effectiveness experts look at this dismal trend, all they can see is a cold numbers game.

These experts don’t tend to see humans with cognitive powers and souls and they certainly don’t recognize the existence of such immaterial notions as the “sacred” which might prevent the culling of lives to satisfy monetary constraints.

They certainly don’t recognize the injustices of a system that allows trillions of dollars to be spent sending weapons to Ukraine -which the war effort is just another method to cull undesirable populations that have been seen as a burden on Eastern Europe.

These experts can only think in terms of adapting to scarcity and supposedly “fixed limits” but never eliminating scarcity through systemic changes that place human life and creative thought on a higher priority than mere money.

Now it appears that populations are now being targeted and are being reduced. The excuse is that we need resiliency in bioethics

What many do not know, however, is that the seemingly benign academic study of bioethics has its roots in the dark history of eugenics.

This is what is meant by sustainability -- population reduction.

With that knowledge, the dangers inherent in entrusting some of the most important discussions about the life, death and health of humanity in the hands of a select few become even more apparent.

The agenda is in black and white.

According to the Declaration for Future Generations, “current generations must act with responsibility to safeguard the needs and interests of future generations”. These interests include “urgent climate action”, responding to demographic trends and strengthening health systems with “equitable” access to vaccines and other health products.

In other words, our lives need global dictates so as not to endanger the generations yet to be born.

Body counts will have to rise to save future generations.. generations that will know nothing of past American freedoms or values. 

According to the declaration, the voice of future generations will be represented by an “envoy for future generations”, while the measures to protect the future are proposed to be evaluated by a high-level meeting every five years.

Who will sit on such a body and which envoy will represent people who have not yet been born is yet to be decided.

I can only imagine that one of those individuals will be the Antichrist.