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I am always looking for meaningful coincidence and sometimes synchronicities seem too good to be true. This synchronicity deals with the weather. It is hard to predict the weather actually - it is like trying to outwit chaos. Most weather men do a good job of it --but it is the computers that make these educated crapshoots and most weather predictions are based on climate models and other things as well.

But then comes these anomalies that make us wonder if they really do control the weather. 

Case in point:

Many of you remember that I reported that Climate change fear mongers had reported that this year would be the worst year for Hurricanes and they estimated that they would go through the the list of names -- they were so sure that Global Warming would show and increase of these beastly storms.

As weeks went by with no hurricane activity, the fear mongers were feeling the pressure because the Atlantic Ocean was eerily quiet.

As the author of one of the most trusted and longest-running hurricane season outlook Phil Klotzbach considered issuing an unprecedented midseason update in late August acknowledging the chances this year’s forecast could be a bust. He held off in case a new system formed over Labor Day weekend.

That didn’t happen.

Instead, the Atlantic made history for an unexpected and confounding distinction: The longest stretch in more than half a century without a single late-summer cyclone, a time of year when several often churn at once. Though two months of storm risks still lie ahead, the astonishing lull has meteorologists wrestling with confusion and criticism, while striving to protect delicate public trust.

How do they regain that trust when their climate change prediction go bust?

Well they call up their buddies at geoengineering central and create one to save face.

I know it sounds crazy but the declaration of a relatively quite hurricane season was made before Labor Day --and lo and behold we have a major Hurricane hitting Louisiana.

Tropical storm Francine was upgraded to a hurricane on Tuesday night and is forecast to make landfall along the Louisiana coast on today, the National Hurricane Center said.

In their latest advisory, NHC meteorologists warned of "life-threatening storm surge and hurricane-force winds" in Louisiana.

Whew, there is miracle for Climate Change public relations, a rather odd synchronicity that can be used to point out that the earth is out of control.

Sure-- seems pretty coincidental doesn't it. Especially when there are plenty of almost magical ways to steer a storm for the benefit of an agenda.

Yea it sounds crazy but it is not the first time weirdness like this has happened.

It jogs the memory of September 11th, 2017. Back then several climate scientists reported their conclusion that the warming Gulf temperatures, which were up to 3.6°F warmer than normal “could be a pressure cooker for key ingredients of a hurricane: extreme winds, rainfall and storm surge.

Again this type of fear mongering was being used as a cornerstone of truth to convince people that the new politically charged climate science fears need to tranquilized with the funding of the Paris Climate accords.

President Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate accords and refused to put money into it. 

After Hurricane Harvey devastated Texas, and even bigger storm was on the way named Irma. Irma intensified to a category five and leveled areas of the Caribbean with her ferocity.

It was reported that Irma had a low frequency sound that accompanied her—a hum and force that was described as sounding like an alien ship from a science fiction movie.

The storm was said to have triggered seismic monitors creating low level earthquakes.

The build up and anticipation of such a storm was terrifying in and of itself.

On September 7th just days before Irma made landfall in the United States, Senator Diane Feinstein had tweeted that the Appropriations Committee voted today to fund the U.N. climate change panel.

This senate vote 16 to 14 to contribute $10 million to the United Nations’ climate change agency.

The U.N. agency is responsible for international climate agreements like the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. The United States never joined Kyoto, and President Trump pledged to pull out of Paris.

Trump called for an end to U.N. climate funding in his first budget proposal earlier this year. The attitude apparently has changed because of the hurricane onslaught. 

Coincidentally after it was announced that the money was going to be appropriated for UN Climate change agency – Hurricane Irma weakened from a category 5 to a Category 3 before she made landfall in Florida.

Originally, Miami was expected to bear the brunt of the storm once it hit Florida — but by Saturday morning, the storm’s trajectory had shifted westward, with Tampa, the Gulf Coast, and other parts of South Florida (including the Florida Keys) in line for the worst effects. 

A life-threatening surge of 10 to 15 feet of water was forecast, with residents of Naples and Marco Island told to move away from the water.

Irma then weakened down to a Category 2 storm with sustained winds of 110 mph. A tide gauge measured water 2.2 feet above mean higher high water, which represented a 7-foot increase in the previous hour and a half, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The coincidence of a Monster hurricane weakening after 10 million dollars has been promised to the U.N... was seen as a very werid synchronicity.

Geoengineering storm crows saw this as glaring evidence that weather modification and geoengineering was used to force multiply the storm , Harvey and Irma – and then weaken Irma after the money was approved for the UN climate science agency.

Could it be that what happened 7 years ago happened again? This time with Hurricane Francine? Or was it just random coincidence. 

Another notable coincidence is that the movie Twisters -- the summer blockbuster film even talks about the possibility of modifying Tornadoes through simple geoengineering. 

It follows clashing groups of storm chasers who investigate a tornado outbreak in Oklahoma. But there is a twist --it hinted at ways storm chasers can affect the size and speed of Tornadoes by firing explosives into them. 

Literally a mission of geoengineering to prevent disasters. The team launches barrels of sodium polyacrylate beads into a tornado in hopes of reducing its intensity and securing funding for further research.

In the first experiment everything goes wrong and the person who heads up the team is surprised when the experiment intensifies the Tornado to a category 5. 

Well that of course is in a movie -- maybe a hint of what I called guiding tornadoes by remote control - I got some flack from a listener who said she thought I was crazy to even bring that up in a past show I did about the Tornado that hit Tillman Oklahoma.

The Tillman storm appeared to have two tornadoes at the same time. Having two tornadoes in the same storm, especially as one is dying and another is forming, is not rare, as supercell thunderstorms cycle their energy; in fact, two concurrent tornadoes in one storm have been documented via video on occasion, such as the twin tornadoes at Pilger, Nebraska, of June 16, 2014.

The first tornado from the Tillman storm also appeared to have looped over on its own track, which is rare -- this means that the Tornado backed up looped around and then moved forward to continue its track.

The second tornado spawned by the Tillman storm spun the wrong way, exhibiting clockwise or "anti-cyclonic" movement.

Nearly all Tornadoes spin in a cyclonic counterclockwise manner. 

The radar showed winds toward the radar on the south side of the storm, with winds away from the radar on the north side, meaning that the tornado was spinning clockwise. The two tornadoes from the Tillman storm may have even experienced the Fujiwara effect, spinning around each other.

The Fujiwara effect is usually observed when two hurricanes spinning in the same direction pass close enough to each other, that they begin an intense dance around their common center.

One example of this was between hurricanes Hilary and Irwin in the East Pacific in 2017. The two merged together and then they just faded out.

The Tillman thunderstorm also appeared to have a complete cyclonic structure as high as 18,000 feet, which is rarely seen in radar data. Typically, tornadoes twist below the storm's base, which is also rotating but far beneath the top of the storm.

This was definitely an anomaly that could provide circumstantial evidence of geoengineering.

Another humorous story out of China happened on September 2nd, 2024. 

China recently launched cloud-seeding missiles to help combat a heatwave.

The human intervention into the persistent dry weather resulted in a super cell storm with wind gusts of 76mph blasting residents' laundry from their balconies in what has been humorously referred to as "the 9/2 Chongqing underwear crisis."

It not only rained heavily in the area but it also rained down underwear.

Videos of undergarments soaring through the sky before crash landing on streets and tree branches were shared on Chinese social media as the skies opened up.

The desperation that led authorities to take such drastic measures was driven by more than a week of extreme temperatures that delayed the reopening of schools and universities.

It has been proven time and time again that there are technologies available that can intensify and steer storms. Weaponizing the weather in order to make a point. 

In 1996 the y USAF Air University, Air Command and Staff College published “ Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025.” According to the air force The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for the use of a future weather modification systems to achieve military objectives. 

According to the executive summary we read that US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologies and focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. Such a capability offers the war fighter tools to shape the battle space in ways never before possible. It provides opportunities to impact operations across the full spectrum of conflict and is pertinent to all possible futures. 

A high-risk, high-reward endeavor, weather-modification offers a dilemma not unlike the splitting of the atom. While some segments of society will always be reluctant to examine controversial issues such as weather-modification, the tremendous military capabilities that could result from this field are ignored at our own peril. 

From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary.

Along with weather modification we are also being treated to weather Psy-ops with weather organizations using intense adjectives to describe normal heatwaves and snowstorms.

What is most disconcerting is how heatwaves are now treated like tornado warning where intense heat warnings are issued for temperatures between 80 to 90 degrees. 

The term heat dome is used to describe long term heat that goes into the triple digits.. a dome insinuates that you are trapped in intense heat and that you should remain indoors and in some cases check in on the elderly.

The Weather channel has gone so far as to name heatwaves and winter storms to make them sound as intense as Tornadoes and Hurricanes.

Weather forecasts now show normal summer temperatures in scary red colors to deceive viewers. Many scientists want you to believe that the maps aren't red enough... what next? Maybe they can pour out the Crayola’s and find Burnt Sienna. Maybe they already have -- and over time they can use black to emphasize the charring of everything -- it is there to create anxiety.

Climate scientists have now found a way to frighten people even more by introducing the idea of setting up a higher number than Category 5.

Instead, it offers scientific reasons for the new category to be considered.

The researchers note that the top hurricane category — Category 5 — has no upper bound, even though the damage potential from such a storm’s maximum sustained winds increases exponentially.

They went ahead and predicted a nasty Hurricane season in 2024 the scare people --and when it was declared dead -- a new Hurricane shows up -- that’s one way to save face. 

I don’t know if this sounds crazy -- but I notice these things.

Television news needs to create a hypnotic effect. Otherwise it would fall apart and shatter into a million nonsensical pieces. Climate change pundits need to keep stoking the fire -- because they are losing the public trust.

Kamala Harris in the debate was indicating that Climate Change causes wildfires, when in some cases arson is the cause. Even Climate scientists dismiss the idea that responsible logging and clear cutting would help in minimizing forest fires.

Trump didn’t say at the debate what, if anything, he would do to limit global warming. That is because anyone can see that it is a psy-op and a cover for geoengineering and weaponization of the weather.

This is the ruse:

You don’t necessarily notice a threat. But it is and remains invisible. But you have feelings for some reason that perhaps the planet is a target and that you are responsible. The media tells you that there is a target. These nice politicians will somehow stop mother nature from creating the big bad storms. Then you will be satisfied.

How are these politicians and scientists going to calm the oceans and bring back the blue skies?

Can they work miracles while they are experimenting with Stratospheric Aerial Injections or Chemtrails -- sun dimming, and ionospheric heating?

I want to ask how they plan to fight God or Mother Nature? The answer is they can't or they are already creating a problem with geoengineering experiments that they use to prove their fraudulent agendas.