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I put myself through the torture of watching the Presidential Debate between Former President Trump and Kamala Harris again last night. Harris has found a way to rephrase her Unburdened by what has been phrase to “Not going back.”

We have gone from “build back better” –to “You better watch your back.” 

Yes she wants you to ignore the past – just in case she wishes to repeat it . Looking at the past can inform us about the present. As the saying goes, history doesn’t necessarily repeat. But it often rhymes.

Solutions to the continuing poverty are never given –only platitudes about new jobs because of Climate related businesses—oh and the continued printing of money out of thin air. 

To steal a phrase from Thomas Jefferson, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. government have buried us under a “deluge of paper money.”

We deal with the consequences of this monetary malfeasance every time we go to the grocery store or the gas station. Our rapidly deprecating money buys less and less every single day.

Central bankers and politicos claim to be fighting this inflationary monster, but the ugly truth is that inflation is by design. The political class is destroying your money as a matter of policy.

This is nothing new. Government people have been ruining our money for their gain since the Republic’s earliest days. Sadly, most people don’t realize what’s happening. They believe price inflation is due to greedy corporations, Putin’s price hikes, or voodoo.

Of course, Kamala Harris says that it is all Trump’s fault – but why wouldn’t she – no administration especially one that endorses corruption will admit that false scarcity is another way to polarize and starve a nation barely holding on to its economic stability. 

After the debate the other night -- it was certainly a matter of who could put a happy face on all of the darkness. The media of course stated that it was Kamala Harris and that she made a good case for everything under Trumps hand had the reverse Midas Touch.

It was so easy to do as none of the moderators found the need to fact Check the former Vice President. But they did have the mind to fact check Trump four times during the debate. It was no contest there were three that were ganging up on the one --and even though I saw a piss poor debate the media had found away to get back to their regularly scheduled infomercial that is making attempts to erase the corruption of the Biden administration and put it all on the shoulders of Trump. Her ideas and her agenda is that she must fix what has been broken. But the question is always why doesn't she do it now?

Because she has no idea how --and the biggest downfall will be economic downturn that will certainly eliminate the middle class.

It will be the very poor and the very rich. I don't know how obvious it has to get.

The world is now moving through an epoch-shifting transition, and a new system will be brought online as the $1.2 quadrillion derivatives time bomb that has cancerously taken over the western economy crashes.

As the multipolar alliance races to bring a system of win-win cooperation, large scale development and long term thinking into reality, it has become increasingly clear that the New World Order priesthood is no longer the only game in town.

Even the final destination of this order is unclear and the wars we fight will decide which world order will take over --and our best bet will be a matrix that is all but the same as what we see in China.

The leaders will not be Chinese, but they will certainly make their Marxist contributions to ruining the economy and making our money, difficult to have as it will be a digitized token system.

The oligarchical closed system of transhumanism and the foundation for open systems now coming alive through the Russia/China led Multipolar Alliance, which President Trump fought to unite with the USA, and which will have to occur after the oncoming elections if the world is to survive a tragedy that has the very real possibility of ushering in a new global dark age for centuries.

If humanity’s new system is presumed to be of a closed nature, then I am sorry to tell you that fascism will be necessitated as the ultimate governing mechanism of the elite.

The reason for this depressing fact is simple.

In all closed finite and bound systems, the number of people alive will always tend to consume more energy than the system itself creates over time as resources, and agricultural potential is slowly drawn down and entropy increases.

In such a world, someone has to decide who receives those ever-diminishing returns of resources, and who are the useless eaters to be sacrificed “for the greater good” of the system.

I probably do not have to say anything more as we are seeing the beginnings of this system coming into view. Kamala Harris sees it too and she does not worry because will not affect her or any of her rich and sycophantic friends.

As long as nations are empowered to stand on their own feet, develop full spectrum agro-industrial economies, and if people benefit by developing new skillsets, and if new technologies and new discoveries in science are encouraged rather than sabotaged , then potential for human perfectibility is as boundless as our ability to discover, create, plan and inspire future generations.

The world order promises a utility to save us -- but don't go accepting horses from Trojans.

When U.S. consumers are doing well, the U.S. economy does well. But of course the opposite is also true. When U.S. consumers are not doing well, the U.S. economy really suffers. The government has been trying really hard to put a happy face on things, but the truth is that the standard of living for most U.S. consumers has been going down for a long time. 

The cost of living has been rising faster than paychecks have, and so most of us have less discretionary income than we once did. And that is really bad news for the U.S. economy, because as the official White House website has pointed out, consumer spending typically accounts for about two-thirds of all economic activity.

Consumers are more financially stressed today than they have been in ages. In fact, a survey that was recently conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau discovered that 37 percent of U.S. adults now struggle to pay for their most basic expenses each month…

When you are barely able to pay for food, housing and other essentials, there is not going to be extra money to blow at retail stores and restaurants. This is one of the primary reasons why so many retailers and restaurant chains are going bankrupt in 2024.

Of course the economic pain is not spread equally across the entire country.

Mississippi (49.5%), Alabama (45.5%) and West Virginia (43.5%) have the highest percentage of adults who say they’re having trouble affording their basic needs.

A U.S, Census survey found that 41.8 percent of Florida residents, 40 percent of New York residents, 39.9 percent of Texas residents and 37.5 percent of California residents are having difficultly paying for their basic expenses at this point.

When close to 40 percent of the population is just barely scraping by, you have a major economic crisis on your hands.

No matter how they want to frame things, our leaders are not going to be able to ignore this forever.

Many in the restaurant industry and Retailers have been going bankrupt at a staggering rate.

If consumers had plenty of discretionary income, they would be out spending it.

But they don’t, and things will only get worse during the months ahead.

Kamala Harris can keep giving more speeches about “how well the economy is doing”, but it won’t change the cold, hard facts on the ground. If someone tries to tell you that the economy is in good shape, just point out that the number of business bankruptcies has been absolutely exploding.

According to statistics released by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, annual bankruptcy filings totaled 486,613 in the year ending June 2024, compared with 418,724 cases in the previous year.

Business filings rose 40.3 percent, from 15,724 to 22,060 in the year ending June 30, 2024. Non-business bankruptcy filings rose 15.3 percent to 464,553, compared with 403,000 in the previous year.

I really don't think the fact checkers at the debate had the heart to rip away that smirk off of Kamala's face -- but it would have been better if Trump did it for them-- facts are facts they say.

Either businesses are filing for bankruptcy or they aren't and the records are showing that they are.

So, who is telling the truth?

Right now, companies all over America are really hurting, and as a result many of them are also laying off workers.

The momentum of our economy is clearly taking us in a very troubling direction. Our standard of living has been in decline for years, and now our economic problems are accelerating.

But again the question is how can the media and Kamala Harris get away with lying about this-- maybe it is because the economy is meant to fail so that it can be replaced by the closed and well monitored system of systems.

We have been saying for years now that the economy is on its way down because they have to make way for a new system -- a system that replaces the legacy system that we have been used to -- the one that used to work but now appears to be archaic and dated.

We know The New World Reset cannot continue with the way things have been --so antiquated and easily fooled.

The control of increase will not be in the hands of the people in the future -- it will all be controlled by the banks and monitored by the government.

It is the Token banking system, a crypto currency system which includes the use of CBDC.

The International Monetary Fund published a report recently that warns about the very serious privacy risks associated with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

According to the paper, entitled “Central Bank Digital Currency Data Use and Privacy Protection,” any central bank can use its CBDC system to collect all sorts of private information about users. It could then turn that private information over to the authorities for mass surveillance and possibly persecution reasons.

The way CBDCs work is that every time a transaction is made, all sorts of private information is transferred and uploaded into the blockchain as proof. That information is then open game for government authorities and anyone else to exploit it for ulterior purposes.

" Central bank digital currency (CBDC), as a digital form of central bank money, may allow for a ‘digital trail’ – data – to be collected and stored,” the report says.

“In contrast to cash, CBDC could be designed to potentially include a wealth of personal data, encapsulating transaction histories, user demographics, and behavioral patterns. Personal data could establish a link between counterparty identities and transactions.”

The paper goes on to explain that there is economic value in CBDCs due to the data trail it creates. Data is considered an “infrastructural resource that can be used by an unlimited number of users and for an unlimited number of purposes as an input to produce goods and services.”

“CBDC data could potentially be harvested by financial institutions that, in turn, could help develop data-driven businesses,” the paper continues.

There is not much time left before all your paper and coin cash becomes obsolete, followed by its replacement with digital cash.

In a new report, the World Economic Forum (WEF) states that 98 percent of the world's central banks have agreed to implement the globalists' long-awaited fantasy of a completely cashless world – that they themselves control, of course.

The Federal Reserve here in the United States – which is not really federal but rather controlled by a cabal of "elite" billionaire bankers – is fully on board with the scheme. All it is waiting for is a "black swan" triggering event, i.e., the collapse of the stock market, to make the switch.

This year the stock market has been seeing its bad days -- and insiders say that there are more on the way.

Warren Buffett unexpectedly sold half of his Apple Stock back in July which some believe caused a rippling black Monday.

He dropped 55.8% of his Apple stocks.

When you see activity like this from a company’s larger investor you tend to wonder if a war is about to break out -- or if the grid is about to go down rendering electronics obsolete. 

But the stock market crashed.

Warren Buffett did not become a billionaire by being stupid. According to Forbes, Buffett is worth more than 144 billion dollars, and that makes him one of the wealthiest men in the entire world. He made his money in the stock market, and so why is he now pulling money out of the stock market at a feverish pace? Does he anticipate that an even bigger crash is coming? 

More recently, Berkshire Hathaway has been selling off Bank of America shares.

Buffett’s moves look quite savvy based on what has been happening so far this month.

In fact, we just witnessed the worst week for the S&P 500 since March 2023.

Right now, investors are concerned that the economy may be slowing, and those concerns were bolstered by Friday’s employment report. As Zero Hedge has noted, that report told us that the U.S. lost a whopping 438,000 full-time jobs last month.

Sorry Kamala Needs a fact check.. things are not rosy. There are so many people that are looking for work right now.

For many Americans, low-paying part-time jobs just won’t suffice because the cost of living just continues to go up.

Thanks to the rising cost of living, the percentage of U.S. households with children that are “food insecure” has risen to a very alarming level.

In a lot of those households, at least one adult is actually working. But in many cases there simply is not enough money coming in to even cover the basics.

At this point, working Americans have so little discretionary income to spare that even dollar stores are really struggling.

And since our leaders simply refuse to stop wildly spending money, it is inevitable that the cost of living will just continue to go up.

Our standard of living is being absolutely eviscerated, and it is because of decisions that have been made by those in positions of power.

If our leaders had made different decisions, we could have gotten different results.

But now tens of millions of U.S. households are deeply hurting, and much more pain is on the horizon.

Warren Buffett is clearly concerned about the short-term future.

You should be too -- the system is set for failure so that it can be replaced. replaced with a system that will monitor all transactions and eliminate under the table side hustles.

The token system being proposed with CBDC's will be able to collect a lot of data.

What kind of data is collected when using a CBDC, you might be wondering? Besides the payer’s and payee’s names and identities, there is also transaction data for both payer and payee as well as metadata about the merchant’s name, location, and spending category.

Credit card companies already collect and store this type of information about users and their transactions, but central banks are not privy to it unless they pursue it with a warrant. CBDCs, on the other hand, are an open book for the money masters to track every single purchase that every user makes.

Whatever the agenda of the central banks, CBDCs allow the money masters to collect and use data to achieve their policy objectives.

CBDC data can also be used to produce more timely and up-to-date information about the state of the world at any given moment, as well as help policymakers develop better macroeconomic solutions to problems while remaining in regulatory compliance.

The problem, of course, is that anyone can access private data in CBDC systems. Unlike the current paradigm, everyone’s private spending habits would become an open book in a CBDC system, allowing criminals and those with malintent to wreak havoc throughout society.

In order for this to work -- cash will have to go.

The IMF is doing a whole lot of gaslighting, pretending to lay out ‘all options’ or something, when in reality they are outright telling us that the implementation of CBDCs will be a total loss of freedom and liberty.

There is not much time left before all your paper and coin cash becomes obsolete, followed by its replacement with digital cash.