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Transcript for 9/13/24: MEGATHRUSTERS W/ PAUL CHAMBERS

Again, I have to interrupt your regularly scheduled love fest with our political system to talk about the end of the world. I know that so many people have cried wolf over the years to get attention -- I am not saying that the end of the world will happen tomorrow or next week, a month or a year from now -- but I can tell you the world is ending little by little and that you can call it an act of God or the Wrath of God -- or maybe even a come opanci for our hacking the planets.

I tend to wonder what all of the weird anomalies happening really signify.

Back when we were discussing the Olympics I was able to find a Nostradamus prophecy that seems to be haunting me again.

You know the one that talks about Turmoil in October after the Games of Slaughter.

In case you missed it from a past show -- I will refresh your memory.

Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin where once was Attila's empire and the new Xerxes will descend with great and countless numbers, so that the coming of the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the 48th degree, will make a transmigration, chasing out the abomination of the Christian Church, and whose reign will be for a time and to the end of time.

This will be preceded by a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world, except that after the death and passion of Jesus Christ. And it will be in the month of October that the great translation will be made and it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that it is to be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness." Atilla's Empire encompasses Europe, Russia, and China.

The 48th degree encompasses much of Persia or Iran. They will rise against the Christian church -- or they will rise up against what they see as blasphemers of the Abrahamic religions.

Mainly, Christians and Jews.

In Century 10 Quatrain 74:

Nostradamus speaks of the games of slaughter and the 7th year cycle being accomplished. 

The year of the great seventh number accomplished,

it will appear at the time of the games of slaughter, not far from the age of the great millennium, when the dead will come out of their graves.

So going down the checklist -- 

Eclipse: Check 

Games of Slaughter: Olympics? Check

The attacks and war coming down from the 48th degree -- (meaning Iran and surrounding Arab countries against Isreal): Check --

shaking and earthquakes giving us the feeling that the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement-- maybe.

That is if you have been hearing about the earthquake swarms all over the world.

Especially in California right now.

The state just keeps getting hit by major disasters after a major disaster, but we are all supposed to pretend that this is perfectly normal. Of course, the truth is that what we are witnessing is not normal at all. 

California just set a very alarming new record for earthquakes in a single year. 

Of course, it isn’t just the state of California that is experiencing an unusual number of earthquakes.

Minor swarms are being felt in Texas and Oklahoma.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, 2 earthquakes of 2.5 magnitude and a 2.8 magnitude were felt in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho New Mexico a few days ago.

Not to mention the freak accidental eruption of a geyser at Yellowstone that sent an enormous column of black smoke mud and debris into the air.

Seismic swarms have been felt in Yellowstone and near Mt. Hood, and Mount Ranier, in the Pacific Northwest.

You have to decide if this is normal or not -- my Clydey sense says no -- but I am no scientist.

Historical observations apart from biblical prophecy and Nostradamus have indicated that this might be a sign of an imminent pole shift-- and we do not know how it will affect us because the last one happened thousands of years ago.

In 1966 a well-known engineer released a book with information that could impact everyone on earth. But before anyone could read it, it was classified by the CIA. The CIA only released 57 pages of the original 284-page manuscript. And those pages have been, in the CIA's own words, "sanitized".

Former McDonnell Douglas engineer Dr. Jan Thomas wrote a book in 1966 called "The Adam and Eve Story."

A deceiving title as it is not about the Genesis of Mankind but the end of the world and the extinction of mankind. At the time Thomas had presented the idea that the shifting of the earth's poles would cause a major cataclysm.

Thomas described pole shifts as cyclical and at regular intervals some indicators warn us of the cataclysmic cycle that can wipe out a huge swath of the human population. These theories have cascaded into talk of the sixth extinction where civilizations before ours were wiped out --because of the abrupt magnetic shifts that would cause unprecedented disasters tied to the Planet's seismic activity. 

Why does the CIA think this book is so dangerous that they had to hide it from the public for 60 years; and continue to hide most of it?

Especially when there were scientists that have warned about this including Charles Hapgood who wrote "The Earth's Shifting Crust." The Forward in the book was written by Albert Einstein.

Both acknowledged that magnetic pole shift would take some time. Certain things could happen and rush the process, creating pole shifts and tectonic displacement.

The end of the world as it was theorized in 1958  would be a magnetic event and the pole shift would almost guarantee massive loss of plant, animal and human life.

It would trigger earthquake swarms, mega-tsunamis, peculiar weather, and volcanic activities that would be unprecedented.

Geomagnetic storms would shut down power and radio communications and people would begin to feel the effects of the magnetic flu-- a disorder that would cause Cancer, heart problems and mental instability.

Scientists are now warning us that magnetic fluctuations in the Earth will be on the rise as the Earth is slowing down. This could mean that anything disrupting the magnetic flow could have a devastating effect.

As we demagnetize the eschaton, we may become witness to some of the most existing and terrifying moments in our history.

As anomalous as it may sound we seem to be in a cycle now -- and while planet Earth has always been a violent place, anomalous activity has been reported that goes beyond the weather anomalies that scientists blame on Climate Change.

While the mainstream media thrives on the distraction that is politics-- there have been some bizarre occurrences that defy explanation and need to be addressed.

Oceanography studies just now released a report about a mega-tsunami that hit Greenland in September of 2023.

The mega-tsunami in Greenland triggered seismic waves worldwide, caused by a landslide in Dickson Fjord. The event generated two seismic signals: a high-energy signal from the landslide and a long-lasting VLP signal from a seiche in the fjord. 

VLP stands for Very Long Period signal, which is a seismic signal that can occur at volcanoes during eruptive or quiet phases. Was the 650-foot wave caused by a landslide or a magnetic thrust sending lava through the geologic plumbing system in the area? Was it a seismic jolt that created a landslide triggering the wave?

The event created a week-long oscillating wave in Dickson Fjord, according to the seismic record.

Angela Carrillo-Ponce of GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscience and her colleagues identified two distinct signals in the seismic data from the event: one high-energy signal caused by the massive rockslide that generated the tsunami, and one very long-period signal that lasted over a week.

In western Greenland, recent tsunamis have had devastating consequences, such as the 2017 Karrat Fjord event where an avalanche caused a tsunami that flooded a village and killed four people. Mega tsunamis over 330 feet high off the east coast of Greenland have also reached Europe.

The September 16, 2023, mega tsunami took place in Dickson Fjord in a remote part of East Greenland, and was first noted in social media posts and in a report of waves hitting a military installation on Ella Island.

Charles Hapgood had been criticized for his theories on Crustal displacement and continental drift -- but eventually was proven right -- he then worked with Albert Einstein again to write the book "The Path of the Pole." In the Book Hapgood claimed that our magnetic poles are constantly moving-- Hapgood believes that a Pole shift happening between 15 and 40 degrees occurred around 9600 BC or 11,600 years ago.

If Charles Hapgood was right and the poles shifted 15 degrees from where it is now Antarctica would not be completely covered in Ice.

Recent claims of Ice shelf thawing in Antarctica have been blamed on Climate Change -- but could we see this as a result of Pole shifting?

Both Hapgood and the notorious CIA cover-up Adam and Eve Story reveal core intelligence and describe the electromagnetic end of our civilization.

It begins silently with VLP frequencies that cause the earth to rumble for days even months . The vibrations begin to trigger rumbles and seismic activities on various active fault lines. There are also reports of mega waves and mega thrusts happening in the oceans triggering tsunamis that also come without warning -- or even a felt temblor.

The waves cannot be heard --and the longer they transmit the more vulnerable we become. Earthquake swarms are felt all over the world. 

Coastlines literally retract causing a massive amount of Seawater to be pushed back and then return in a massive wall of water more than two miles high. It then starts its race eastward.

The impact is preceded by a strong wind.

Wind gusts from the event will push across the United States Scientists say that the winds could reach up to 1000 miles an hour.

In some places the earth's molten sublayer breaks through and spreads a sea of white-hot liquid everywhere, in a fraction of a day there is mega death and destruction.

That is only part of the story -- because different areas of the world will experience magnetic anomalies that will trigger earthquake storms and volcanic activities -- it would be the equivalent of moving in a car at 1000 miles an hour and suddenly stopping. It would be like a building and people would be thrown into a huge food processor.

It's nature's way of telling you it is curtains for life on the planet.

Earth’s magnetic field is getting significantly weaker, the magnetic north pole is shifting at an accelerating pace, and scientists readily admit that a sudden pole shift could potentially cause “trillions of dollars” in damage. 

Today, most of us take the protection provided by Earth’s magnetic field completely for granted. It is essentially a colossal force field that surrounds our planet and makes life possible. And even with such protection, a giant solar storm could still potentially hit our planet and completely fry our power grid. But as our magnetic field continues to get weaker and weaker, even much smaller solar storms will have the potential to be cataclysmic. 

And once the magnetic field gets weak enough, we will be facing much bigger problems. As you will see below, if enough solar radiation starts reaching our planet none of us will survive.

Previously, scientists had told us that the magnetic field was weakening by about 5 percent every 100 years.

But now we are being told that data collected from the SWARM satellite system indicate that the rate of decay is now 5 percent per decade.

n case you didn’t quite get that, 5 percent per decade is 10 times faster than 5 percent per century.

If the rate of decay continues at this pace, or if it speeds up even more, we could be looking at a mass extinction event that is beyond what most people would dare to imagine.

As more solar radiation reaches Earth, we would expect to see a rise in cancer rates, heart problems, mental illness, immune deficiencies. 

It would also halt space travel.

Cancer rates have been rising all over the world, and if you live in the United States there is a one in three chance that you will get cancer in your lifetime.

But as the magnetic field continues to weaken, things will get worse.

A lot worse.

The weaker the magnetic field gets, the amount of solar radiation that will reach us will rise, and eventually it would get so bad that the entire human race would be in jeopardy.

And even if some of us found a way to survive underground for a while, we still wouldn’t be able to survive because solar winds would strip away our planet’s atmosphere and oceans.

There is no really good way the world ends -- but thinking of the natural way -seems more harsh and with no way out.

But so far scientists tell us that something like this will happen 500 years from now.

They are telling us not to worry because Earth’s magnetic poles will “flip” and things will eventually return to normal.

Of course most scientists believe that a pole flip takes hundreds or thousands of years to happen, but they don’t actually know because they have never seen one take place.

They also believe that we would potentially be facing “trillions of dollars in damage” to our power grid and electrical infrastructure because the magnetic field would be so weak during a flip…

Most of the experts also believe that a pole flip is still a long way off, but what everybody agrees on is that the magnetic north pole is moving toward Russia at an accelerating pace.

Around the mid-1990s, the pole suddenly sped up its movements from just over 9 miles a year to 34 miles annually. Recently the pole careened over the international date line toward the Eastern Hemisphere.

I know that I must sound like a broken record by now, but this is important. Our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and we are seeing things happen that we have never seen before.

Everyone agrees that the Earth’s magnetic field is rapidly getting weaker, and that is making us more vulnerable with each passing day. Most of the experts are trying to put a happy face on things and are assuring us that everything is going to be okay.

I know that this may sound like Crying Wolf --and we probably will have to happen gradually to where we don't recognize i or see it as normal. 

But our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and we are seeing things happen that we have never seen before.

Everyone agrees that the Earth’s magnetic field is rapidly getting weaker, and that is making us more vulnerable with each passing day.

Most of the experts are trying to put a happy face on things and telling us to have joy -- On one hand, they are assuring us that everything is going to be okay-- and on the other, it is all about Climate change and how killing cows and eating bugs is the answer.

All of the funds to save the planet focus on Carbon as the biggest enemy to our sustainability -- but maybe they should try demagnetizing the eschaton -- and monitoring geophysical threats to our world. 

Our planet’s history includes at least several hundred global reversals, where north and south magnetic poles switch places, and take a weaker and more complex form that may fall to 10% of the present-day strength with magnetic poles at the equator, or even the simultaneous existence of multiple “north” and “south” magnetic poles.

There can also be temporary and incomplete reversals, known as events and excursions, in which the magnetic poles move away from the geographic poles – perhaps even crossing the equator – before returning to their original locations. 

Perhaps we are experiencing this right now and the megathrusts causing upheaval are only warnings of what the magnetic field can do when it is disrupted or toyed with.

We have blithely built our civilization’s critical infrastructure during a time when the planet’s magnetic field was relatively strong, not accounting for the field’s bent for anarchy. Not only is the field turbulent and ungovernable, but, at this point, it is unpredictable. It will have its way with us, no matter what we do. Our task is to figure out how to make it hurt as little as possible.