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Nikita Khrushchev said in 1956: “We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within”.

Well, we know that Khrushchev is dead and gone –and so is the Soviet Union. Nevertheless, his prediction is coming true as the reigns of power have continued to push Marxist views on the world.

The America we once knew is slipping away – and a lot of Americans are ok with this – and it is perplexing to contemplate this insanity.

The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a “Pact for the Future”, which UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres described as a landmark agreement that is a “step-change towards more effective, inclusive, networked multilateralism.”

It is one small step for the global reset and a bizarre action that has not and will not be reported to the public as it pushes forward the long-awaited dystopia that will mold the peasant class.

It was painless, wasn't it? At least for now, it won't hurt a bit but soon restrictions, and world taxes, digital IDs, Central Bank Digital Currency, and the whittling away of sovereignty will begin as leaders who have been champions against such infiltration be pushed out of killed in worldwide decapitation coup that will create what the elite call devastating shocks to the system.. but there is still the imagination that scares us into wondering what event must happen to ensure our compliance. 

This pact for the Future, which also includes an annex on working towards a responsible and sustainable digital future, was adopted without a vote on Sunday at the start of a two-day Summit of the Future.

The agreement came after some nine months of negotiations. 

Dozens of heads of state and government had gathered for the adoption of the pact.

Leaders pledged to bolster the multilateral system to “keep pace with a changing world” and to “protect the needs and interests of current and future generations” facing “persistent crisis”.

The UN chief has long pushed for the pact, which covers themes including peace and security, global governance, sustainable development, climate change, digital cooperation, human rights, gender, youth and future generations. It lays out some 56 broad actions that countries pledged to achieve.

The adoption of the pact, however, faced a brief delay when Russia’s deputy minister of foreign affairs, Sergey Vershinin, introduced an amendment, emphasizing the “principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states”.

Russia’s objections were backed by allies Belarus, North Korea, Iran, Nicaragua and Syria, but its amendment was overwhelmingly dismissed in a motion to take no action.

It is ironic -- that Russia rejected the Pact. They did not want to be subjected to a world authority. 

So long as any part of this nightmare looks fine and normal to most people, we’ve got no chance at a healthy world.

In a healthy society, those who dedicated themselves to the task of getting as many human beings ripped apart by military explosives as possible would be reviled as monsters and caged for the health of the collective. 

In our society, this is seen as a perfectly legitimate career path, from which someone can earn a very comfortable living.

In a healthy society, only those who promote the interests of ordinary human beings and spurn the influence of malign manipulators would ever be elevated to positions of leadership. In our society, it’s the best way to make sure you spend your life in perpetual obscurity.

This is what powerful manipulators have successfully duped us into accepting as normal. This is the insanity that mass media propaganda and mainstream culture manufacturing have convinced us to regard as okay. But it is not okay. It’s about as far from okay as anything could possibly be. 

The peasant class will be given a synthetic world of low information -- and will be limited in how they express themselves and how they report what they see to the world.

Deep state enforcers against thought crime will be used to shut down any and all dissent as it appears to be happening now --without the public knowledge.

The Biden Administration’s intrepid Department of Justice (DOJ), ever-vigilant in its quest for Russian bogeymen, has proudly announced the seizure of 32 internet domains. Their purported crime? Daring to challenge the regime’s approved narratives.

According to the allegations, Russian entities such as Social Design Agency (SDA), Structura National Technology, and ANO Dialog operated these domains under the guidance of the Russian government. These “Doppelganger” campaigns reportedly sought to reduce international support for Ukraine, promote pro-Russian policies, and influence voters in U.S. and foreign elections, including the upcoming 2024 U.S. Presidential Election.

The methods allegedly used in these efforts include cybersquatting (registering domain names closely resembling legitimate news sites), creating fake media brands, deploying paid influencers, utilizing AI-generated content, running social media advertisements, and producing bogus social media profiles that impersonate U.S. citizens or non-Russian individuals. According to the DOJ, these campaigns target audiences across several countries, including the U.S., Germany, Mexico, and Israel.

The U.S. Treasury Department has designated ten individuals and two entities connected to these activities, stating that their actions violate U.S. money laundering laws, criminal trademark laws, and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). The FBI spearheads the investigation while various U.S. Attorney’s offices and Justice Department divisions manage the prosecutions.

Attorney General Merrick Garland speaks of “Russian government propaganda,” but what’s the real propaganda here? Is it the belief that endless proxy wars and foreign election interference are in America’s best interest? Or the idea that our intelligence agencies aren’t actively shaping public opinion?

The authorities speak of “malign influence” and “disinformation,” but what they fear is the truth—about our political class’s corruption, the American economy’s decline, and the regulation of what people read and discuss.

Make no mistake: This isn’t just about Russia or “protecting democracy.”

The real threat isn’t some shadowy Russian troll farm.

It’s about control - control of information, control of narratives, control of you.

It is the act of digital compartmentalizing --something that was certainly on the United Nation's agenda in their pact for the future.

The Globalist conspiracy trembles at the thought of freethinking Americans questioning the prevailing orthodoxies upheld by universities, mainstream journalists, and corporate America.

In our society’s intricate web of power relations, we find ourselves entangled in a discourse of truth and falsehood, legitimacy and illegitimacy. The state, becomes an apparatus of control in the pact of the future, wielding its power through force and strategic manipulation of knowledge and narrative, amplified by a compliant and enabling legacy media.

Consider the continued withholding of information about the Trump assassination attempts a perfect illustration of how power operates through the control of knowledge. The state maintains its authority not by revealing truth but by managing what is known and unknown, creating a system of truth that serves its interests.

Former President Trump's would-be assassin Ryan Wesley Routh wrote a chilling letter admitting he failed in trying to take the life of the former president, and offering a reward for anyone who can finish the job...

The note was addressed to the “World” and reads:

“This was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump but I failed you. I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster. It is up to you now to finish the job; and I will offer $150,000 to whomever can complete the job,” according to court papers.

Routh dropped off a box at a person’s home that included the letter, the court documents state.

Law enforcement officials were contacted on Sept. 18, or three days after he was arrested, by a person who said that Routh dropped off the box at his location in the months before the incident. The witness opened the box after learning of Routh’s arrest, finding ammunition, phones, and various letters.

Prosecutors said the note and other evidence found at the scene show a need for Routh to be detained while the government builds its case against him.

Prosecutors found “a notebook with dozens of pages filled with names and phone numbers pertaining to Ukraine, discussions about how to join combat on behalf of Ukraine.”

“He [the former President] ended relations with Iran like a child and now the Middle East has unraveled,” Routh wrote in one of the documents, according to the court papers.

"Everyone across the globe from the youngest to the oldest knows that Trump is unfit to be anything, much less U.S. president. U.S. presidents must at the bare minimum embody the moral fabric that is America and be kind, caring, and selfless and always stand for humanity."

Routh is just one of many useful idiots that if are successful could plunge our country into a constitutional crisis -- and or civil war. 

A war that would have to be stopped with intervening Unite Nations armies -- that would enforce this pact for the future. This political chain of violence is worldwide --and leader after leader is being replaced by supporters of the great reset.

In recent years, there has been much concern about a great reset, techno-feudalism, ecomodernism and technocracy, clampdowns on free speech, dissent and protest and the general erosion of civil liberties. The developments are associated with a ‘new normal’, which is in turn linked to the economic crisis affecting the Western countries and consequent economic restructuring.

However, it is business as before in terms of the ‘old normal’. The ‘old normal’ thrives. The old normal of resource plunder, violence, environmental devastation and human dislocation. Dependency and dispossession remain at the core of the global economic system.

Although civil liberties are under attack in the West, these ‘rights’ tend to be cosmetic but barely even exist in many places across the world (that often call themselves ‘democratic’).

It is not enough to allow political violence to threaten an election -- but now we are seeing the cavalier use of Russian meddling conspiracy theory again --as Hillary Clinton and others have now pulled a Russian card on many occasions to scare their cult-like followers to fall in line and vote for their own enslavement.

The Russia collusion narrative and the Steele dossier exemplify how power constructs its own truths. These are not mere lies or mistakes but manifestations of how institutional power shapes reality through discourse. The “truth” here is not an objective fact waiting to be uncovered but a product of power relations, carefully crafted to maintain existing authorities.

This is not merely about protecting truth from falsehood but about maintaining a specific regime of truth that aligns with state interests.

State censorship is harmful, as are state propaganda and interference in the political affairs of other sovereign nations. The question is the extent to which the individuals and entities charged here act as state agents.

Regardless, state manipulation is a problem, and no government is entirely free from censorship or propaganda because these elements are inherent like state power.

Labeling dissenting speech as “disinformation” or “propaganda” is, in any event, an attempt to delegitimize and exclude certain forms of knowledge from acceptable discourse. The pattern of controlling knowledge and narrative is neither new nor limited to foreign interference. It reflects a deeper, ongoing struggle over who dictates the terms of discourse in our society.

Be skeptical when the government labels certain information as false, disinformation, or misinformation. Withhold judgment and refrain from accepting claims as fact until you have independently verified them. In our age of contested truths, the power to define reality is the ultimate sign of control. Do you control yourself, or does someone else?

If anything like civil war ignites in this country, the sides will not be the political Red and the Blue but the sane and the insane. Now it happens, unfortunately, that the insane are driving the engine of government. They have been at war with the people of this land for years, depriving them of livelihoods, stuffing them into prison, breaking the social contract, wrecking the country’s relations with the rest of the world, and belaboring the peoples’ minds with one insulting absurdity after another.

They comprise a bizarre coalition of the permanent bureaucracy, the Democratic Party, and the news media. The permanent bureaucracy includes its own machine for making war on citizens: the intel blob, whose tentacles reach into other agencies: Homeland Security, the State Department, the so-called Justice Department, the Pentagon, the myriad Public Health offices, and the shadowy clique that stands-in for a disabled president in the White House.

You can tell they are insane because they are driven by a single motivation: to remain in power for no other purpose than to escape responsibility for their many crimes against the people. This is insane behavior because it depends on the proposition that reality does not matter, that reality is optional, that there is no such thing as truth, and if it happened to exist, to be a thing, it would have no greater value to the human project than its opposite, untruth.

The greatest absurdity of the moment, is the idea that Americans might desire to continue under the rule of this evil coalition devoted to unreality and untruth.

Its greatest crimes, of course, are the lawless measures taken to pervert the very elections that might allow them to retain power in office.

It is widely suspected by the sane among us that even the attempt at massive voter fraud may not avail to put over the paramount candidate of the insane: Kamala Harris. 

Nobody believes that she is capable of being president. But the insane don’t seek a capable president — in fact, the opposite. They want a president who can only function with direction and management of the deep state, by the deep state, and for the deep state. 

Why do the media and the Harris/Walz campaign find it at all positive to say that Dick Cheyney supports their cause? Don't you find it a bit twisted -- for the left to brag about a political Satan endorsing a campaign?

Are people actually seeing this as a plus?

It boggles the mind that Satan backs Kamala and no one even blinks.

Due to the possibility that citizens, despite calculated election fraud, might elect Mr. Trump, who opposes all that psychotic, criminal nonsense, the coalition of the permanent bureaucracy, the Democratic Party, and the news media appears to have few options left besides murdering Trump on live TV or during a golf game.

The temperature is rising in this political crucible. Something is going to melt down. It’s looking pretty clear now who can take the heat, and who can’t.

The most mystifying element in the coalition of the insane is the news media — that is, the cable news networks —who have tirelessly broadcast the mantras that Mr. Trump seeks to quash our democracy and that he is a new Hitler who must be stopped at all costs. The inflammatory barrage has had an obvious effect. But the mystery is: what’s in it for these news companies to go along with their insane and desperate partners-- why is it so alluring for them to push this world order -- and the corruption that goes with implementing that Pact for the Future?

Powerful corporations are shaping the development agenda and have signed secretive memorandums of understanding with governments.

The corporations behind it achieve hegemony by altering mindsets via advertising, clever PR or sponsoring (hijacking) major events, by funding research in public institutions and slanting findings and the knowledge paradigm in their favor or by coopting policymakers to ‘structurally readjust’ society for their benefit. They do it by many methods and means.

Before you realize it, powerful private interests have colonized culture, politics and the economy. The prevailing economic system soon becomes cloaked with an aura of matter of factuality, an air of naturalness, which is never to be viewed for the controlling power play that it really is.

Those who are sacrificed on the altar of plunder in the countryside, in the forests or in the hills become regarded as the price worth paying for ‘progress’.