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Transcript for 9/3/24: THE ONE WHO KNOCKS W/ MIKE BARA

It appears that NASA has always imposed an information blockade of anomalous activities in space. They also seem to have a political agenda and a top secret military attitude when questions are raised about contradicting data that is released from other space agencies.

After the Starliner situation and Friday's show with Richard Hoagland, I am caught up in the Malaise and confusion over the space program and how NASA never seems to get the record straight.

NASA has always been an acronym for Never a Straight answer, or Need Another Seven Astronauts, and now Never Admitting Space aliens -- yes we can come up with clever acronyms all day -- but the frustration still exists and I guess for these many decades it just builds to where something needs to be said about all of it .

I want to believe we landed on the moon -- but I have doubts about the record --whether or not it was completely legitimate.

The new Film "Fly Me To The Moon" with Scarlett Johansen is actually the closest thing to how I feel about how it could have been both One Small step for man -- and one giant leap for marketing.

But that is my cynicism.

I think there is a bit of acceptance of the reasons why people might doubt that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin wandered around on the Lunar surface.

Either that or it has become an inside joke.

I mean the proof has been stated as follows:

Half a billion people watched on television as Armstrong and Aldrin took their first steps on the arid surface. They left behind an American flag, a patch honoring the fallen crew of Apollo 1, and a plaque that read: “We came in peace for all mankind.” The sixth Apollo mission to land humans on the Moon concluded three years later. The Moon has not been visited by astronauts since December 1972.

Wow -- half a billion people watching on television -- that settles it -- I am a pariah conspiracy theorist because I wonder why we haven’t been since 1972. I am a tinfoil hat nut because I question the narrative because we all know questioning part of the story makes you a denier -- all of it was truth right?

Facts established, say no more.

Of course some people might wonder why NASA claims it has yet to overcome the tricky problem of getting people through the Van Allen radiation belt alive when it did so repeatedly more than fifty years ago. 

Perhaps others wonder why there is video of the Apollo astronauts faking imagery of a distant Earth while in low Earth orbit, at a time when they should have been 125,000 miles away. Why can’t we “see” the flags or indeed the rest of the debris they supposedly left up there? How did they get the batteries to work in Lunar conditions, who took the photographs, why does the LEM look like it would not be so aerodynamic? 

I have been on Cable TV shows looking like a bad guy and being chewed out by a Shuttle Astronaut -- for as he put it "Pissing on the graves of these brave men."

Personally, I think the idea that the Apollo Moon landings eventually happened without the PR fanfare because after the first mission people would rather watch I Love Lucy.

It is tough to believe the 1969 landing -- its kind of like believing that cinderblocks make could kites.

Space ships apparently are like huge paperweights when they don't work -- but hey we did the moon landing 6 times -- without a dead astronaut in the bunch.

With technology that can be found in a toaster oven.

The moon landing is real by consensus. 

No one needs to think anything else. Just trust whatever authority tells you.

According to the “official story,” people were playing golf on the moon and driving around in a beach buggy more than half a century ago. 

We just can’t do that today because NASA has lost all the telemetry data and archive material of mankind’s “greatest ever achievement” and says it has forgotten how to fly to and, more importantly, land on and then fly back from the Moon.

Using a composition fallacy, you take the most absurd claim you can find, like faking the moon landing insist it is representative of a whole swath of opinion— Like Fake space theories and flat earth even when it isn’t—debunk it and then-- Every other argument is “debunked” by association. It doesn’t matter that there is no actual association, you just claim there is and it works.

We have seen it in political propaganda -- If you vote for Trump, you hate women, blacks, gays, hell put on the Uuniform you are Nazi.

But now we have other stories to contend with -- how astronauts can get sick during long stays in space, how a space module made by Boeing is a death trap and astronauts hearing knocking or some others sounds that have them feeling a bit on edge. 

Teams with NASA and Boeing gave the green light to undock what will be the uncrewed spacecraft from the International Space Station as early as Sept. 6 at 6:04 p.m., leaving behind NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, who flew up on board Starliner when it launched from Cape Canaveral on June 5.

The duo arrived on the ISS a day later, but because of thruster issues and helium leaks on Starliner's propulsion module, NASA opted to play it safe and keep the astronauts on board the station to await a rescue ride home from Boeing's competitor, SpaceX.

A fiery explosion of a Space X rocket could spell even more misery for the two NASA astronauts stranded in space.

The unmanned Falcon 9 rocket failed to land successfully after launching satellites into space, bursting into flames before toppling over on its side. 

This is bad news for the two astronauts that Boeing's faulty Starliner left stranded aboard the International Space Station (ISS) for almost three months.

The FAA now has to launch an investigation into what went wrong with Falcon 9, which could interfere with SpaceX's rescue mission schedule, and ultimately delay Crew Dragon's launch date significantly.

Depending on circumstances, some mishap investigations might conclude in a matter of weeks. Other more complex investigations might take several months,' their website states. 

And while the SpaceX Crew-9 mission with the Crew Dragon Freedom is set to launch as early as Sept. 24 to relieve the current SpaceX Crew-8 on board the ISS, Williams and Wilmore won't be getting back home until Freedom's mission ends aboard the ISS in February—meaning they will have spent between eight and nine months on board when they do finally return.

One of the greatest fears for space agencies all over the world is how astronauts in space develop health problems when they are in space for long periods of time. They will not indicate to anyone just how hard space travel can be on the body especially the human mind.

Spending long periods of time in small contained spaces can hammer at the brain.

As scientists worldwide continue to study the effects of spaceflight on human health and physiology, a team of researchers have also found significant changes in the gut microbiome of mice aboard the ISS (International Space Station). Their findings, published in Npj Biofilms could have big implications for space travel and even space colonization.

In a study on the ISS, mice were kept in special habitats for either 29 or 56 days. Scientists then compared the gut bacteria of these space-traveling mice with those of mice kept on Earth under similar conditions.

The researchers then used advanced techniques to analyze the gut bacteria, identifying changes in more than 40 different species of microbes. These changes were particularly notable in bacteria that help the body manage bile acids and fatty acids, which are crucial for digesting fats and regulating cholesterol.

As countries prepare for future missions to Mars and beyond, it’s crucial to consider these findings. Protecting astronauts’ health during long space journeys will require careful planning and possibly new treatments to maintain a healthy gut microbiome

So do long stays in space affect not only the brain but the body's ecosystem as well?

When Richard Hoagland appeared on Ground Zero last Friday he eluded to that fact when he spoke of the stranded Starliner astronauts.

He said that the extended stay on the ISS for the astronauts Butch Willmore and Suni Williams is definitely a health risk --and that NASA is taking a big risk -- he believes it is because something huge is taking place in space. 

Richard stated that perhaps there was something more to the story, which may include some alien meet and greet or communication with astronaut Suni Williams.

In a strange coincidence a mysterious sound was heard emanating from the Boeing Starliner spacecraft . It sounded like knocking or a type of Sonar that was heard when Butch Willmore had an exchange between Mission Control at Johnson Space Center in Houston.

There's a strange noise coming through the speaker ... I don't know what's making it," Wilmore said.

In the recording, Mission Control said they were connected and could listen to audio from inside the spacecraft. Wilmore, who boarded the Starliner, picked up the sound on his microphone. "Alright Butch, that one came through," Mission Control said. "It was kind of like a pulsing noise, almost like a sonar ping."

"I'll do it one more time, and I'll let y'all scratch your heads and see if you can figure out what's going on," Wilmore replied. "Alright, over to you. Call us if you figure it out."

Obviously Butch was startled, and mission control sounded as if they had no answers -- but NASA had the labor day weekend to make and explanation as to what it was -- It was just feedback from a speaker.


Feedback from a speaker, had them all baffled -- had them all startled, the explanation is typical NASA never a straight answer as events similar to these have happened before -- and each time the startled astronauts are told that it is some sort of radio interference.

Shouldn't they be used to bleed over radio transmissions?

Or is it a cover for something else?

China’s first astronaut revealed in an interview that he heard strange and unexplained knocking sounds a number of times during his one and only flight in 2003. 

He claims he later told other astronauts and was shocked to find out many had also heard the knocks on their flights too.

Yang Liwei, now a major general in the People's Liberation Army Air Force , talked to China Central Television about his experiences as China’s first astronaut. 

On October 15, 2003, he was the sole astronaut on the of Shenzhen 5 mission – the Chinese space program’s first manned mission. He landed successfully 21 hours later after orbiting the Earth 14 times … but he claims he heard a few mysterious knocks outside his capsule.

Yang admitted being worried about the sound and looked out the small window for a possible cause. None could be seen outside the spacecraft and a quick check found no cause inside either. He told engineers about the sound but they were unable to determine what it might be.

Yang was responsible for helping prepare future astronauts for their missions, so he told the two astronauts on Shenzhou 6 and the three on Shenzhou 7 about the knocking. All five reported hearing the mysterious knocking sounds and none could pinpoint where they were coming from or the cause.

Maybe the Starliner was hearing the similar knocking sounds and NASA had to come up with a public explanation in order to shut down any speculation about alien contact-- or at least a signal being sent by some extraterrestrial intelligence.

This is not the first time Astronauts have had these incidents and NASA has been quick to downplay them or cover them up.

One incident was with Apollo 11. 

The years that have passed since Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins piloted the Apollo 11 spacecraft to the moon in July 1969 have done nothing to alter the fundamental wonder of the event: man reaching the moon remains one of the great events in history that seems to have faded after decades of not being a spacefaring nation.

But in 1969 Michael Collins wrote in his book Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut's Journeys--that the crew had picked up some strange shrieking noises that sounded like odd sirens and screaming.

Michael Collins, was the first person to fly around the far side of the moon by himself (while teammates Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong were exploring the Lunar surface), recalled hearing strange sounds, but did not think too much of it.

From the sound of the radio transmission both mission control and the astronauts were very startled about what they heard.

This is the transcript:

153:53:12 SC: [Shrieking noises then some laughter.]

153:53:31 Duke: Apollo 11, Houston. You sure you don't have anybody else in there with you?

153:53:38 Collins: Houston, Apollo 11. Say again, please.

153:53:41 Duke: We had some strange noises coming down on the downlink, and it sounded like you had some friends up there.

153:53:55 Collins: Where - where do the White Team go during their off hours anyway?

153:53:59 Duke: Say again.

Very long comm break.

Based on timings in released audio recordings, there are further odd shrieking sounds on the downlink at 153:58:27.

"This is Apollo Control. Still no explanation, the weird noises emanating from Apollo 11, if indeed it is from Apollo 11 and it's reported from Network that it's being received on the downlink at two different stations in the Manned Space Flight Network. Perhaps it will all shake out later in the mission as to what these strange noises are. "

This story is rarely talked about and has since faded away but I have the recording of the exchange and NASAs explanation again was radio interference.

Michael Collins also reported an encounter with what he called a suspicious white object near a moon crater. 

The Lunar Module "Snoopy" was flown to the Moon for the first time during the Apollo 10 mission. During the mission the astronauts claimed that on the Far side of the moon they heard what they describe as tonal music from space. 

NASA historians and critical scientists have been hell bent on trying to debunk any and all possible alien signals -- claiming that all of the so called knocking and space music can be attributed to RF interference between the separate LM and CSM Very High Frequency (VHF) transmitters.

This has happened many times and each time the astronauts say it is some sort of mystery-- are they inferring that Astronauts are so incompetent that they jump like a scared cat when they hear RF interference?

The say that this interference comes in different forms, including simple static, pulsating and rhythmic noise, hums or audio squeals, squeaks and whoops. 

Any ham radio operator will tell you that this happens all the time-- it is that radio whirring and whooping that happens all the time -- but in deep space.

If this happens all the time onboard space craft then why does it apear to be new -- sudden and mysterious?

Apollo 12, headed by mission commander Charles "Pete" Conrad, sighted a UFO while out in space -- and there is radio proof that NASA and the astronauts were trying to pieces together what they saw -- and speculating on the possibility of a secret space plane being sighted.

A space plane?

A secret space program? -- they even mention a back up crew possibly looking after them -- is that a euphemism for aliens?

Ed Mitchell of Apollo 14 mentions that the astronauts has had visitors again, in a classified recording, NASA went on to explain the visitors were not aliens but the backup crew leaving patches everywhere.

According to official reports Chuck Cernan's crew had devised a mocking version of the Apollo 14 mission patch featuring the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote cartoon characters. On it, the Coyote, representing Shepard's crew, reaches the moon only to find the Road Runner.

Interesting stories -- and opens the door for some speculation as to how these sounds are rare and obviously bizarre.

But as I have said "Facts established, say no more."

Never A Straight Answer.