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When we see eye-opening geopolitical events, especially ones that push the limits of apocalyptic fulfillment things are often not as they appear, Synchronicities may or may not be random in the universe but the signs of the ages often go full circle and we are left with the confusion of measuring that circle that can begin and end anywhere.

I know that many people are not at all into astrology, but there is one part of it that has been said in the Bible that we all must look for signs in the heavens as they are portents for tumultuous times ahead.

Many are unaware that we are in the middle of a 50 year cycle of chaos associated with the skies and how they indicate what is to come by way of geopolitical events that have been tripped like dominoes leaving us wanting.

In the words of Dr. Heldore -- taken form the bible we remember the saying.."mene mene tekel upharsin"--the phrase appeared on a wall in the palace of Belshazzar, the acting king of Babylon. It means “the handwriting on the wall,” and it is Found in the book of Daniel meaning “a portent or warning of inevitable misfortune.”

The appearance of mene mene tekel upharsin on the king’s wall is a reminder that whatever we sow, that we will also reap.

Sign seekers will get their signs -- men will dream dreams and there seems to be a pattern with regards to the appearance of the millennial dragon called Ouroboros.

The Chinese new Year heralded 2024 as the year of the dragon and it was coincidental that the mythical dragon that eats its tail had marked the Sun.

This is known as the annular eclipse or Ring of fire.

The first happened on April 8th, 2024. That was known as the “Great American Eclipse of 2024”, and it occurred just after the sun had gone down in Israel and the first day of the first month on the Hebrew calendar had begun. 

The 2024 total solar eclipse was a major event. Totality could last twice as long as in 2017, depending on the observer's location. It was also the longest totality on land for over a decade;

There will be an annular eclipse on Wednesday October 2nd 2024.

This will be a dragon or a TANNHYN eclipse over Israel.

When it occurs, the sun will have just gone down in Israel and the festival of Rosh Hashanah will have just started.

Is it just a coincidence that the first solar eclipse of 2024 just happened to fall on the very first day of the very first month on the Hebrew calendar, and the second solar eclipse of 2024 just happens to fall on the day that is celebrated as “the Jewish New Year”?

the moon crosses the face of the sun but does not completely block it out. When the moon is centered directly in front of the sun, a ring of sunlight is still visible around the moon, and that is why such an event is often called a “ring of fire” eclipse.

It is symbolized by a dragon eating its tail -- a symbol that indicates that the moment the tail snaps there will be world events that will be catastrophic.

On October 2nd, the sun will go down at 6:22 PM in Israel, and that is precisely when the festival of Rosh Hashanah will start. So when this eclipse begins, the festival of Rosh Hashanah will have just commenced.

During the fall festivals last year, the current war in the Middle East began when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on October 7th, 2023.

Unlike the “Great American Eclipse of 2024”, the eclipse on October 2nd will not be visible in the continental United States.

The eclipse will be seen on Easter Island and also Rapa Nui. Other Places include American Samoa Antarctica Bolivia Brazil and several more.

Many people out there are entirely convinced that the solar eclipses of 2024 are just completely random events that have no significance whatsoever.

But think of the turmoil and events that have taken place after the April 8th 2024 eclipse. 

We do not know how these solar events effect the planet and we do know that the darkest magicians and conjurers do many rituals during these eclipses.

we have already witnessed a solar eclipse on the very first day of the very first month on the Biblical calendar, and now we are going to witness a solar eclipse on the very first day of the seventh month on the Biblical calendar which is considered to be “the Jewish New Year”.

If that is just a coincidence, it is a really, really bizarre one.

Could it be possible that someone is trying to get our attention?

Jesus did specifically warn us that “there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars” in the last days, and in order to have a solar eclipse the sun and the moon must both be involved.

But it s not just the Bible that warns us of the rise of the Dragon sun.

In Old Norse Mythology, the God Thor returns prior to Ragnarök, the end of the world to fight the fiery dragon, Jormungand. The Serpent grows so large that he is able to surround the sun and grasp his own tail. When he lets go, the world is supposed to end.

All of the synchronicities of going a full 50-year cycle- during Jewish Holy days before the sign of an annular eclipse leaves an indelible mark in the minds of those who see this war as the beginning of Armageddon as many armies and countries have now used Israel as the spark for the ultimate divide that resurrects enemies, and reinforces alliances.

Sky wolves, star demons, human sacrifice – many ancient cultures have spun elaborate stories to explain the phenomenon of a solar eclipse.

In ancient times, every culture had a sun god, and it was usually one of the chief gods of their whole pantheon. Humans couldn’t touch what’s in the sky, so they believed it must be where the gods are. When you have a total solar eclipse, it looks like the death of a god, and to them, that couldn’t be a good thing.

But Sol Invictus -- or the unconquerable sun was seen again. 

The earliest example of this connection between eclipses and fear, and dread goes back to clay cuneiform tablets from 2300 and 1800 B.C. that have been found in Mesopotamia. The tablets document the same omen across the Mediterranean: If there was a solar eclipse, the king would die or the empire would find another leader to put in its place.

Does this sound familiar?

America has an eclipse in April of 2024 -- That same year a King is diagnosed with Cancer and is said to be dying --and a President, steps down because of his age.

The new Queen is there is now there to be the proxy incumbent --and the odds are highly favorable to incumbents even if they are selected by a committee.

This may also fulfill prophecy to some interpretation as the whore of Babylon rising to the call of the dragon or TANNHYN. 

Revelation 17:3-5 And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness, and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was full of blasphemous names, and it had seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and jewels and pearls, holding in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality. And on her forehead was written a name of mystery: “Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of earth's abominations.”

Believe it or not - there has been an emergence in this discussion as the heavens are changing, the Dragon is about to rise again and a woman or queen has been selected to be the next ruler of the United States.

Some synchro mystics and Christian nationalists are saying that Kamala Harris is the Mother Harlot of Revelation 17. The attack arose from what she chose to wear on her inauguration day. 

Of course she wore the color purple.

These accusations are being called Jezebel attacks by the left.

They appear to be coming from a Christian Nationalist sect led by Lance Wallnau, a leading prophet in the New Apostolic Reformation. 

Wallnau on Monday, said that Harris represents “the spirit of Jezebel, and in a way that’ll be even much more ominous than Hillary because she’ll bring a racial component and she’s younger.”

Wallnau to says that she has a “Jezebel spirit” a danger to men, a barely human being hell-bent on seducing men to their destruction and assuming their power. 

Wallnau released a video and asked a question.

“Do you know what eventually killed Jezebel?” It was a prophet—in this case, Elijah—who “shifted the mentality of the nations. It shifted something in the minds of the people and they came out of the fog of the seduction of Jezebel’s weird antics.”

This has sounded alarms form left groups who are now saying that this is a hateful and racist attack on Kamala Harris and her campaign.

But there are scary synchronicities associated with Kamala Harris.

Kamala's middle name is Devi.

Devi is an ancient and even prehistoric Indian goddess. Devi, in Sanskrit, means ''goddess.'' She is also called Mahadevi or ''Great Goddess'' representing her status as the mother goddess to all. 

Devi is Shiva's consort. Devi has taken on many forms in the past, including Kali, the goddess of death. Among the major world religions, the concept of Goddess in Hinduism as the divine feminine has had the strongest presence since ancient times.

She is also known as the glorious shining mother.

Mother or Harlots? Well that certainly can be a reach but a very interesting and compelling rabbit hole to go down.

But the marking of the skies and the coincidence with Israel seems to be the indicating factor of signs spoken of in Genesis Chapter 1.

In Genesis Chapter 1, God specifically stated that one of the reasons why He was creating the sun and the moon was because He planned to use them as “signs”.

It is unfashionable to think that there are powers that are being unleashed by design that may be the result of ritual or prayer. They may even be tied to demons or curses. But of course, there are many people who want to reject the coincidences and the synchro mysticism that has played out before. Numbers have meaning, words have meaning and covenants when broken can trigger a response from a higher source-

In Isaiah in the Bible it is written For the nation and kingdom that will not serve Israel shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.

This sends out a clear message that the wrath of God is kindled when Israel is attacked.

Anyone who takes prophecy literally understands that a time of distress and burden awaits the entire planet. In the times we may call the last, or the dispensational unraveling I have learned that perhaps prophecy is in a sense an engine for retro causality and is filled with all sorts of esoteric and occult symbolism.

There are many who want to distance the occult from their biblical blueprint; however, the reality is that the occult or hidden iconography and the way the words and metaphors are given are primarily for those initiates who see the movements of god as mysterious and compelling.

There have been many prophets that have not been confined to biblical pages and they have also been in the practice of causal engineering in order to prepare the world for the ruthlessness of mankind in the era that purports to be the time of the final countdown.

No longer are we capable of saying, “This is where it might lead” because we can see that “the tendency is similar.” the stars are aligning, and the symbolic nature of the attacks undefined is speaking to our subconscious minds.

We have arrived at the tailor-made nightmare, a nightmare that has been conjured out of the ether by clandestine sorcerers who are not working their causal engineering for the path that leads to the light.

They have now chosen to utilize what is found on the left-hand path, and the deepest and darkest of all we have now rejected and broken many covenants not only with the God who is supposed to protect us but with others who now have seen the dropping of the gauntlet and the revival of a theological showdown between gods, devils and monsters.

Our leaders are not satisfied with interfering with the internal politics of a country, but they have also tampered with the internal priestcraft that has been used to maintain an order free of chaos and chaos magic.

The gates of hell have been opened and while there are no real material gates to unlock and push through, the mental and spiritual realms have had agents on earth capable or rejecting the stairway to heaven, only to tread on the dark cobblestones of hell.

You see, we must all admit that the men who have told us time and again that in the absence of authority, we all become monsters, have all become monsters themselves, even as they truly believe that their death campaigns are making them moral guardians of a flock that we know they do not value. We now have all admitted that truth is a casualty of war, and even in catastrophe and disaster the truth is also an imperiled commodity.

The occult testing of the Western intellect covers all aspects of the mental ability to analyze and find the hidden truth. The truth is a tricky thing, and in most cases tramples upon cognitive bias. The esoteric matrix has within it a so-called satanic intellect that uses half-truths to conceal that which the spiritual world reveals and wishes man to take to heart.

It is as if some curse or possible organized psychological Coup has somehow exploited the unconscious blind spots of the human psyche. This has rendered most people with the inability to recognize that they are participating in madness and psychopathic attitudes with regard to their fellow man. The operational standard for this curse or this mass priestcraft has rendered most people to act against their own best interests.

How else do we explain the latest horrifying events that are playing out on the world stage?

We all know that mankind can dovetail in being inhumane to his fellow man, however, the bigger picture is showing that throughout the future that is in front if us generation after generation will breed into the notion that they have an enemy. They do not have to ask why they are an enemy, they are just there for the sole purpose of being hunted. They are the prey in a predatory world that is now being constructed.

There is an evil that the powers of the new order that is so well organized that the eschaton is now a part of their agenda so that they can be seen as saviors after the dust settles and the smoke clears.

By then the living shall envy the dead -as the evil adversary rises up to sit on the throne of the imperial cult.

The rise of the Devi -- the rise of TANNHYN -- The mother of all rising the serpent and replacing a dying king is as old as time in memoriam.

Could it be that we are in the end times as we see through the glass darkly and knowing that sometimes the image in a Black mirror is deceiving?

It goes both ways and all interpretations can be wrong of course, but they are compelling none the less.

Most people don’t like to see the summer end, but another Fall is approaching. 

Even Nostradamus has said that October will be a time of turmoil We have discussed before these quatrains and prophecies.

Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin where once was Attila's empire and the new Xerxes will descend with great and countless numbers, so that the coming of the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the 48th degree, will make a transmigration, chasing out the abomination of the Christian Church, and whose reign will be for a time and to the end of time.

This will be preceded by a solar eclipse more dark and gloomy than any since the creation of the world, except that after the death and passion of Jesus Christ. And it will be in the month of October that the great translation will be made and it will be such that one will think the gravity of the earth has lost its natural movement and that it is to be plunged into the abyss of perpetual darkness."

Atilla's Empire encompasses Europe, Russia, and China.

The 48th degree encompasses much of Persia or Iran. They will rise against the Christian church -- or they will rise up against what they see as blasphemers of the Abrahamic religions.

Mainly, Christians and Jews.

In Century 10 Quatrain 74:

Nostradamus speaks of the games of slaughter and the 7th year cycle being accomplished. 

A different reality will arrive in October -- if the stars are correct the dragon shall ride again -- this time the rider will be the mother of all harlots.