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Transcript for 9/9/24: RENDER TO THE DEVIL W/ BILL BEAN

Over the weekend I read some horrifying news – news that has in the past triggered what is called Satanic Panic. Animal sacrifices are surging in Queens New York, with chickens, pigs and rats being tortured, mutilated or killed in “twisted” religious rituals in parkland surrounding Jamaica Bay.

In a little over a month, at least nine wounded animals or carcasses have been discovered in the federally-managed Spring Creek Park in Howard Beach and the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Broad Channel — including five live pigs with partially severed ears.

Creatures recovered from the revolting scene also include a near-dead baby rat tied up in a bag with chicken bones; a freshly decapitated chicken head; a live hen in distress; and a dead dog with its neck snapped.

Sloane Quealy, co-founder and president of Zion’s Mission Animal Rescue, told the New York Post “It’s continually getting worse. The animal sacrifices are happening more repeatedly, more times a week.”

One of the distressed pigs was found emaciated in a food-filled crate in July, with a deep gash running down its face and its body covered in oils and spices.

Several rescuers and a local religious leader suggested the torture was linked to a sect of Hindu devotees who worship the goddess Kali and have practiced animal sacrifice in the area surrounding Jamaica Bay for decades.

Jamaica Bay has been a popular religious site among members of the Hindu Guyanese and Indo-Caribbean living in nearby neighborhoods, including Richmond Hill and Ozone Park.

The US Supreme Court upheld the right to animal sacrifice on religious grounds in a 1993 ruling.

Under New York State law, however, aggravated cruelty to animals, meanwhile is a felony punishable by up to two years in prison.

In England locals in a quaint New Forest village with a history of satanism have reacted with horror to another 'sacrifice' after a severed deer's head was found resting on a headstone in a local graveyard.

The New Forest village - where houses sold for an average $700,000 last year - has a long list of killings linked to suspected Devil worshippers in the area and visitors have speculated on whether the brutal killing was done as a 'sacrifice'.

More reports of goats heads being found and severed heads of roosters have been reported in rural areas of Texas, and in places like Detroit.

The question is why?

Consider for the moment the widely held belief that a Satanic conspiracy exists in the world. That the fight for good and evil is not always a spiritual one but a physical battle where the blood of innocents are shed on a daily basis by those who are overcome by forces so dark that one forgets who they truly are.

Some will say that Satan has truly made a comeback with all of the so-called evil and immoral behavior in the world.

Aleister Crowley, the man they called the great “Beast 666”, once commented that moralities are determined by social status and that the ordinary person abides by an ordinary morality while the elite practice a different form of it. Crowley states “Modern morality and manners suppress all natural instincts, keep people ignorant of the facts of nature and make them fighting drunk on bogey tales. Ordinary morality is only for ordinary people.”

It is most certainly the ordinary people that find themselves in situations that are far from ordinary. When the ordinary becomes extraordinary it can either be seen as enlightening or terrifying. When we look through the glass darkly we can see that the ordinary can be twisted into something that is dark and foreboding.

Every part of our history has a dark side. The world is a slaughterhouse disguised as an amusement park and there are cart wheeling clowns at every turn offering what can only be called the dark ride through and even darker history and future.

The so-called cart wheeling clowns begin to lift their disguises and we see that they are most certainly the bogeymen at the door, the serial killers, the cannibals, the violent offenders who have given us what can be called the dark histories where most of what they have done appears to be authored and orchestrated by Satan himself.

In the movie ‘American Psycho‘, there is a moment where this satire reached a point of brilliance for me and it all came down with a conversation between the protagonist Patrick Bateman and a bar patron. She asks him about what he does for a living and he replies that he is into “murders and executions”. What she hears is that he is into “mergers and acquisitions” and says that other men she knows don’t like that kind of work.

For me, the conversation demonstrates how there is a remarkable banality of evil and the shallow and vicious aspects of materialism and how it can consume the soul. It is amazing how there are a lot of people that are so caught up in the material hyper-reality that they do not see the horrible way it consumes the spirit and how it forces some people into becoming manipulative and selfish. There is a point where those who are as manipulative as spiders tend to weave webs that are traps and there are always innocent individuals whose biggest flaw is that they trusted too much and were eventually caught up in a horrible end that they did not see coming.

This is how evil operates.

It can be argued that evil evolves over time and sometimes it may even manifest in ways that we cannot explain.

It was a few weeks back, where someone had recommended I see the film Longlegs starring Nicholas Cage. The person said that it was a troubling and creepy film about a satanic doll maker and killer who lives in the forests of Oregon.

He told me that he had heard it was based on a true story, although I never heard of a Satanic doll maker, murderer that lived in the forests of Oregon.

Creepy dolls in Longlegs are integral to the killer's plan, with a mysterious and Satanic influence over families.

Longlegs' dolls are imbued with Satanic powers, with the figures' evil nature sprouting from Longlegs' Devil worship. 

Come to find out that the so called true story that inspired the Longlegs film was actually the Jean Bennet Ramsey murder.

Longlegs director Osgood Perkins explained the dolls' origins, saying that Ramsey's murder took place before Christmas, and near where Ramsey's body was found, the family kept a Christmas gift that was a life-size doll that resembled the child.

Although there was undoubtedly no Satanic purpose to the real-life doll, Perkins found this detail of the murder fascinating, with him using it as inspiration when writing Longlegs.

The doll was used to carry the evil spirit -- and as you know, as we have covered before -- there are some who actually create dolls and allegedly put spirits of dead loved ones in them.

So I watched Longlegs about two weeks ago. It was quite chilling and bizarre and certainly had a Satanic Panic vibe to it. This weekend -- I was a little bored so I decided to sit down and watch it again. 

It was then that I discovered something peculiar. The movie was full of subliminal images. During some of the crucial scenes in the film -- you see a subliminal shadow of the devil. A menacing horned shadow, in mirrors, in corners, in the trees. It is almost as if it is all a terror ride of pareidolia.

I wondered if I was seeing things or if this was similar to what was done in the movie The Exorcist. If you remember, The Exorcist that was filmed in 1973 had subliminal images of a white faced demon that would flash on the screen subliminally before a terrifying event.

The face appears for only a handful of frames, and while that might be enough for a viewer to briefly register the image, it’s not long enough for one to actually grasp it. Moviegoers in 1973 would have been left unsure about what, if anything, they had just seen, creating fertile ground for terror. 

But 49 minutes into the film there is a quick transformation that many only absorbed subliminally. A the young Regan thrashes on her bed with a team of doctors visiting her home --Her eyes roll back and her throat bulges grotesquely-- the young girl’s face suddenly distorts. Her eyes become fathomless black pits, her hair curls into horns, and her face becomes more imposing.

It didn’t look like a makeup effect. There was no discernible editing cut either. It just appeared that her face…changed. Right in the middle of the shot. Digital morphing effects di not exist back then and so the shot itself is terrifying because of what it might suggest.

That perhaps the devil can manifest in a film -- and that the images are powerful enough to trigger a Satanic panic.

Some of the same questions can be asked of the film Longlegs.

The thing most haunting about the film, is that the subliminals in it are enough to stir feelings of satanic panic. 

The devil is everywhere and nowhere — inescapable but often unseen. One minute, he’s colluding with a pale faced serial killer to kill small children, and the next, he’s stalking a police officer at the library.

All over Oregon families are falling victim to murder suicides --where Fathers and mothers are possessed by an unseen yet subliminally seen demon.

Osgood Perkins the director of Longlegs admits to putting the subliminals in the film. A constant reminder of how present the devil has been in everyone's day to day lives. 

Perkins has said that it made sense that the devil would tag along in the film during the more murderous and supernatural events.

It is like having a huge bug in your space -- hiding in plain site and it has an influence on you -- until it shows itself and by then it is too late -- you are too far gone.

As far as Perkins is concerned, this is the best of all his hidden devils: “It’s fun. It’s scary. It’s punctuation.”

Yes and it may be subliminal enough to register in the unconscious mind -- and open the door to a transference of a nightmarish tulpa.

Kenneth Anger, who is a follower of Aleister Crowley’s, Thelema, has stated that film does exactly what everyone suspects – it plants the seeds for a future event.

The purpose for some films is to stir the primal forces and is used as magical weapons to stir the soul out of conformity. The flickering image according to Anger, creates a thought form and even if the image flickers for no one, it is still a causal engine that sends the image into the ether. If someone picks up on the meme and it is successfully implanted in the zeitgeist, it is theorized that the very nightmare could easily transpire in the real world.

A Tulpa is the product of a story or parable that generates enough energy to manifest visually outside of the existential world.

Anyone who is familiar with my background knows that a many years ago I published a b-horror fanzine and sold it at local comic book stores in order to make a little money between radio jobs.

On the front cover of my first issue I wanted to feature “A Nightmare on Elm Street” and so a cool picture of Freddy Kruger graced the front page. 

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to interview Wes Craven and in the interview I learned so much about the character that even when I interviewed Robert England, the man who played Freddy, he was surprised about how much I knew about his character.

To this day, the character is still widely regarded as one of Hollywood s most memorable creations, a character that epitomizes all that is despicable and detestable in society, a sort of boogeyman incarnate for younger generations. He is more of a metaphor now for human toxicity and all that is degenerate and diseased.

I guess like any other horror character he represents an externalized threat. But Craven had a fear that Freddy Krueger became an entity that came out of the screen and landed in a killer known as the Night Stalker.

In 1984, there were worries that perhaps the movie ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’ inspired the real life “Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez. Ten years later, Wes Craven explored the possibility of the fictional serial killer Freddy Krueger leaping out of the screen into reality in ‘Wes Craven’s New Nightmare in 1994. The film was laughable, but it was two years later that Craven had to face the possibility that his films that featured complex killers were creating some sort of force that possessed people into murdering others.

He worried that perhaps Freddy Krueger was becoming a very real Tulpa and that through Richard Ramirez manifested in reality.

When films are made with a Satanic flare there are always those who wonder if their influence can subliminally unleash a demon large enough to bring about a wave of satanic crimes.

Rosemary's baby is also a film that can fit into this category.

The story tells of a Satanic coven living in the heart of New York City and their successful attempt to inseminate an unwitting female with the child of the Devil. It was Roman Polanski who decided to helm the project of bringing Rosemary's baby to life.

Roman Polanski's Wife Sharon Tate would later be murdered by a Satanic Family lead by Charles Manson.

Although Rosemary's Baby was released a year before the Manson Family murders, one can argue just how prophetic the movie was.

Both the Tate Murder and the Rosemary’s Baby story deal with a woman who has ties to the glitz of Hollywood.

Rosemary’s husband is an actor. Sharon Tate is an actress married to a notorious director.

Both Sharon and Rosemary are pregnant both women are subjected to the consequences of the Devil, and both Rosemary and Sharon Tate realize that they are both trapped by a cult that kills without conscience.

Towards the movies end, Rosemary realizes that her husband has made a deal with the Devil. It is then she realizes it’s too late for her.

Sharon Tate may have ironically found out the hard way that deals with the Devil are made every day in a world that questions if God is dead.

Polanski decided Rosemary's Baby deserved respect to detail and began to do some things that most people claim tempted fate. The lead role of Rosemary's husband went to John Cassavetes.

This was a bizarre coincidence when you realize that in the film, the son of the High priest black magician, Stevan Marcatos, changes his name to Roman Castavets which is dually remarkable when you see they are interchangeable anagrams that can be arranged to spell the sentence "Satan craves most."

What Satan craved most was the attention that Polanski gave freely. The attention was to the detail. The movie was set in 1966 like the book. June of 1966 to be exact: 666. Using the beasts area code wasn't enough for Polanski. He had to hire a consultant for the movie, who was Anton LaVey the Magus of the Church of Satan.

Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby was predictive programming – the tension in the country fueled by racism was a catalyst for the idea of civil upheaval and Manson thought that he could take advantage of the fact that people were waiting for Armageddon.

It just seemed so odd that Polanski was trying to send a message to his audience. Sharon Tate was stabbed to death. She was killed by cult members, in her living room, with her friends.

The movie, Rosemary’s Baby, tends to foreshadow the events of the Manson family murders.

In the film, Rosemary has a knife and she enters a room with the cult members as they want the child in the final moments. It is too late.

Her fate is sealed.

In Sharon Tate’s case the cultist murdered her and her baby.

What is eerily synchronistic is that the apartment scenes in Rosemary's Baby were filmed at the Dakota Apartments in New York, which was the very place where John Lennon was killed. John Lennon was shot at the Dakota by a fanatic of his music. Mark David Chapman was another MK Ultra Lone Nut like Manson who was allegedly triggered into killing by the book, Catcher in the Rye.

Manson was inspired by Helter Skelter, a song created by Lennon and his bandmate Paul McCartney.

The Tate-LaBianca murders profoundly shook America’s perception of itself. They upended ideas of safety, security, and innocence, and effectively sounded the death knell of ’60s counterculture, ushering in a new decade of darkly psychosexual, conspiracy-laced cultural exploration of America’s seedy underbelly. The ritualistic nature of the killings set the stage for the rise of Satanic Panic, a phenomenon that never fully went away.

I believe that Satanic Panic is making a return as movies like Longlegs are using subliminals to pull a dark and demonic chord with people -- more and more people are claiming that we are at war with spiritual wicked people in high places.

The devil is not finished with us yet -- and it may begin with stories of animal sacrifices, then comes the human carnage, the ritualistic appointing of leaders that have no allegiance to God or to anyone else.

It is said that If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. If you do things for the devil -- you have no method of getting away.

Render to the devil, the bloodletting has begun.